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Accordions and search
Publicado 15 de dez. de 2021
We have an issue with search and accordions. Our FAQs are in accordion.
There are two issues we are trying to solve.
1. When a user comes to our site to search, if the answer is in an FAQ and they choose that link in the search it goes to the FAQ page and not the specific FAQ.
2. Is there a way to make text that is under an accordion searchable or recognized by search engines?
2 comentários
Christopher Kennedy
Are users searching on your Help Center? Or are they searching from a site external to Zendesk?
Lisa Sedlak
The site isn't published yet. So testing it internally we see that it will show a snippet that is under the accordion in the search preview. But when choosing the search item, it goes to FAQS without going to the specific FAQ.
Let's say I have FAQs about fruit
About Apples
About Bananas
About Grapes
About Oranges
About Kumquats
I do a search of the word "Rutaceae."
In my search results I see:
Learn about Fruit > FAQs > Kumquats
Kumquats are part of the Rutaceae family.
So I click on the link.
Then I see:
About Apples
About Bananas
About Grapes
About Oranges
About Kumquats
What I want to happen is have the search link to specifically go to the Kumquat FAQ and (preferably) open that FAQ. Otherwise the user will be taken to an FAQ page and then have to scroll through the page trying to remember what accordion the word "Rutaceae" was under. Does that make sense?