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Product feedback guidelines & how to write a good feedback post


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Shawna James

Community Product Feedback Specialist

Publicado 29 de set. de 2023

Welcome to the Product Feedback Topic for Zendesk's Sales CRM (Sell)!

No one knows our products better than you, our users. We love hearing about how you use our tools and what would make them better.  This guide is here to help you understand how the product feedback process works, and how to write an effective feedback post. You may also want to check out this short video on giving product feedback at Zendesk.

This topic is for product feedback about the ticketing system. Don't worry, if your post should be in another topic, the Zendesk Community Team will move your post to the correct topic.

Here are a few guidelines on how to use the Product Feedback topic, so that our Product team can effectively use and apply your feedback to our product planning process:

Feedback and constructive criticism are welcome. Disparaging, harassing, mean, or snarky remarks about Zendesk, its employees, vendors, partners, or other community members will not be tolerated. We’re all friends and professionals, so let’s keep it polite. We don’t like having to remove comments, but we reserve the right to do so without warning in order to maintain a positive community experience for everyone.

  • If it's a bug, contact support

This topic is for sharing ideas about the product. If you're reporting an actual bug, you should contact Zendesk Customer Support so they can assist further. 

  • SEARCH before you post 

We receive hundreds of feedback posts every month, so there's a good chance someone has already made a suggestion similar to yours. Keeping conversations in existing threads makes them easier for others to find, and helps keep the Community organized. Here's how to filter your search: 

  • Vote for suggestions you like

Votes do matter! See a post or comment you like or agree with? Use that up arrow! Feel like making a post that just says "+1"? Please use the upvote button instead. Post a comment to share your detailed use case.

  • Use the template: Give details, examples, and tell us about the problem you’re trying to solve

Our Product Managers are problem solvers! The most helpful Product Feedback posts are the ones that describe the nature and scope of a problem. Please use the template that is auto populated in the description box. Crafted with our PM’s, this template is meant to address the essential questions and provide the most comprehensible information available. Try to share the following information in your post or comment: 

  • Feature Request Summary
  • Use Case
  • Product limitation or missing feature
  • Business impact of limitation or missing feature
  • Other necessary information or resources

Here is a template for feature requests that will auto populate when you create a new post with product feedback. 

It's much easier for us to address a suggestion if we clearly understand the context of the issue, the problem, and why it matters to you. 

  • Rest assured we will read your post, but we may not respond

Once you post in our community, your feedback will be logged and acknowledged by a product feedback specialist to let you know it has been received. 

Our Product Managers dedicate time each week in the community to read your comments, answer your questions, ask you questions about your feedback, and lead conversations around areas they’re focused on.

That said, we simply can't respond to everything. (Remember what we said about hundreds of post per month? ...yeah. There just aren’t enough hours in the day!)

Zendesk team members may engage in conversations, ask follow-up questions, or even start threads on topics they’re exploring. If your post or comment doesn’t receive a response, don’t worry. We’ve seen it, and we’ll let you know if and when we have any updates to share.

Posts are not guaranteed a response, or inclusion in any product backlogs or roadmaps. This forum is simply for sharing your challenges and how you use the product, but it is not a case/resolution system. 

Our product teams have also committed to providing updates each quarter following their regular roadmap planning meetings. We’ll let you know what we’re incorporating into our roadmap, and what we aren’t. 

  • We don’t share timelines

Occasionally, we’ll share very general ideas of what is or isn’t on a roadmap, or roughly when you might expect to see something roll out. However, we do not share specific dates. Any timelines we share are not guaranteed and are subject to change without notice. 

There are situations where we aren't ready to share what we're up to or it's not reasonable for us to give specifics. While we are as up front as we can be, our roadmap is full of projects and we generally don’t provide timelines for new features or changes. If we do provide a timeline, know that it is subject to change.

  • Post maintenance and archiving

Requests that have been inactive (have not received a new comment) for 6+ months will be archived. These are retained internally and remain visible to product managers. This helps to keep the community navigable and helps us prioritize the requests that are most important to the largest number of users.

This doesn't mean your idea was bad, or that it will never happen. It just means that it wasn't something that came up for a lot of users. Since we keep records, if the idea pops up again, we’ll aggregate those ideas behind the scenes and know when something keeps coming up. 

This also means that if there's an idea you like, be sure to stay active in that conversation! 

Comments that turn disparaging, mean, or are otherwise unhelpful to the conversation may be removed without warning. You're allowed to express frustration or dissatisfaction, just remember there are real people on the other side of the screen. Your boss and your neighbor can see these comments if they Google your name. So keep it civil and professional. 

Thank you for reading this and for understanding how we address suggestions. We value all feedback and we're happy to have a place to engage in these conversations.



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