

Submit Button not working


已于 2019年1月17日 发布


when you plan to fix the bug, that the "Big" submit button will not work for other status?

In case you Submit something and a Trigger / Automation block it or you forgot to fill out mandatory fields the action like Submit as On-hold move to "Big" button. This button always execute now a "Submit as Open" action.

Only if you go via dropdown menu "Submit as On-Hold" it save ticket to right status.





16 条评论

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Andrew J

Community Moderator

What is the big button you are meaning? As far as I am aware, if you are blocked from updating a ticket, you must go and edit what if required and then have exactly the same options for submitting next time.
Are you seeing a macro set status option lost, or do you have another plugin?


Hi Andrew,

I mean the button from screenshot the default submit button, not the arrow which go to all options.

It's clear that I need add missing things and submit again with same options but let me go step by step.
Let's assume ticket status is open.
I want to set it to pending.
For pending a mandatory field is missing
I go to drop-down and select submit as pending
My trigger will put ticket back to open because missing field for pending

I fill out missing value.

Zendesk will changed the button submit as open to submit as pending no need to go via drop-down.

If I click now submit as pending it in backend submit as open.

Only drop-down and submit as pending really execute pending.

May you have a try?




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Andrew J

Community Moderator

Thanks Tobias, I'll give it a try.
I almost always use the keyboard shortcuts.


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Dan Cooper

Community Moderator

Hi Tobias, 

It seems that you have some additional configurations in place within your triggers, automations, or apps that may be the underlying issue.  It may be worth looking into your events on the ticket to see if a trigger or automation may be the culprit here.  You should be able to see if a trigger fired that changed your status from the one you selected to Open.  

If this is an app that is preventing the submission of the correct status, that gets into a place where your developer or the app provider may need to make an application adjustment.  There are ways that the app developers can update a ticket on a submit action, and it's possible that an app is coded to use Open instead of the option you've selected.  

I would assume this is a trigger that is reverting your status on you back to open, so I would start by looking at the events log for your tickets and see if a trigger may be to blame.


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Thanks for jumping in Daniel and Andrew!

Tobias, if you're unfamiliar with checking the events of a ticket feel free to take a look at our Viewing all events of a ticket documentation.

Let us know if you're still experiencing issues :)


Hey Brett and Daniel,

nice to see your answer, but I´m quite familar with Events and Triggers.

And yes it have something to do with a Trigger, if you´ve a Trigger with an "Open Event" i.e. some Mandatory field is missing when status changed to solve, the Submit Button will display "Submit as Solved" if you´ve the option "Stay on ticket".

I create a one minute video to show you the issue in Sandbox and after view video or doing the self test, please tell me your next idea :)

Reproduce Video:



Kind Regards,



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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Thanks for the clarification Tobias!

We will most likely need to investigate this further so I'm going to create a ticket on your behalf so our Support team can take a look. Definitely something wonky going on here. You'll receive an email shortly from us.



Hi @... was there ever a solution to this? We're experiencing something similar. We do sync the status change of a ticket to an external source when we change the status.

It doesn't appear it happens consistently and only happens to a couple of people so far.


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Jesse,

It looks like our developers pushed out an update that resolved this issue. Could you share some additional information on what exactly is happening on your account?



Hi Brett,

we also have this issue Back now


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Tobias,

I'm going to create a ticket on your behalf so our Customer Advocacy team can look into this. You'll receive an email shortly stating your ticket has been created.




When agents change the status, sometimes it does not actually apply. They have to completely refresh the tab to get it to work or alternatively use the arrow drop-down to select the status.


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Jesse,

I'm going to create a ticket on your behalf as well so we can investigate.



For your reference, customer Support answer:


"Thank you for taking the time to raise this with us. While we are aware of the problem and our Development team are already working hard to resolve this, your report really helps us understand the scope of the problem. I will go ahead and mark this ticket as an incident related to the original problem so that you will receive an update once the issue is resolved."


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Devan La Spisa

Zendesk Community Manager

On Wednesday, February 5, from 10:00am-12:00pm CST, we'll have a special guest team of experts on hand to answer your questions about Support: Triggers and Email Workflows in your Zendesk Support instance for an AMA-style conversation!

Just click the "new post" button and write up your question. Be sure to be as detailed as possible. The best questions include: 

  • What it is you're trying to do
  • What you've tried so far 
  • Any other context or relevant information
  • Screenshots, if you have them

Questions posted to this topic in advance of the start time will be answered first thing on the 5th, so if you've got something you want our experts to look at, post it today!




finally today Zendesk develop a fix for that.


I hope it will not repeat again.


You can easy monitor if you change the Status i.e. from Open to Pending or On-Hold or Solved, then before the big "Submit as" button change to "Pending" or "On-Hold" or "Solved" even if it fails the update because of for example a trigger.

Now it will revert the button back to "Submit as Open" so you need to go by dropdown menu and select the right action to execute.







