Live Chat transcript - User name listed rather than business name
已于 2022年11月07日 发布
When a live chat ends the chat transcript is sent via email to the user. However, the subject of this email is Chat Transcript with 'user name'. Shouldn't this be Chat Transcript with 'Business Name' to make it clear to the user the name of the business that Live Chat was with? It just seems odd that the customer would receive an email telling them they had a live chat conversation with themselves?
1 条评论
Ramin Shokrizadeh
Hi Lucy,
Thanks for sharing the feedback around the transcript. This isn't something we are looking to change with Chat, as our focus internally is building up and growing the Messaging experience now.
Have you looked at switching to Messaging and using the ticket template for email updates? That should give more flexibility around company branding and copy compared to the non customisable template that exists for Chat.