Existing ticket forwarded by user to another Support address in Zendesk
已于 2024年11月29日 发布
Hello everyone! Hoping someone has a solution or lend some insight. I have frequently come across an issue where a user sends an email ticket to Group A and then based on Group A's response, will then FORWARD the email to Group B's support email address but the ticket never gets to Group B and stays in Group A. Is there a way so that users can forward a ticket to a new group with out the originating group having to updated the Assignee? This is because sometimes the ticket needs to move to a different group but the current assigned group won't know exactly WHO to send it to based on the requesters resolution preference, if that makes sense. Thanks!
1 条评论
Thank you for reaching out! We understand the challenge you're facing when users forward emails to a different group, causing tickets to remain within the original group.
Currently, within Zendesk, tickets are assigned to groups based on the original email source. When a user forwards a ticket, it can often lead to confusion regarding the assignee. To help resolve this, we recommend the following:
You may check this articles for reference:
Workflow: Auto-assigning tickets to a specific agent or group
Creating groups