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Verifying with Google Search Console
Gepostet 25. Juli 2018
How can I verify my knowledgebase site with Google Search Console (formally Webmaster Tools)?
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Gepostet 25. Juli 2018
How can I verify my knowledgebase site with Google Search Console (formally Webmaster Tools)?
11 Kommentare
Ryan Winkler
There is now an article on this particular question, named Can I verify my subdomain to be used in Google Search Console?
This should provide a straight forward option on being able to use your account within the Search console!
Jessie Schutz
Hi David!
We don't have any documentation on this, but I was able to find this: What is Search Console? That should get you started!
David A.
Hi Jessie. Thank you for your reply. I'm aware of what Search Console is. The issue is that we cannot verify it using the methods required.
HTML File Method:
We tried the HTML file method by uploading the file to our assets, but it didn't work.
Meta Tag Method:
We tried the meta tag method by adding the meta tag to our home_page.hbs file and the header.hbs file, but it didn't work.
Jessie Schutz
Hi David!
I know that it's not currently possible to customize the meta tags in your Help Center, but beyond that I'm afraid I don't have any additional insight to share with you on this. I do see that you're getting assistance with this in a ticket as well, so we'll get you taken care of there. Maybe some other members of the Community will have some additional info to share!
Aswin Kannan
I'm running into the same issue. How do you verify the Zendesk Guide with Google Search Console?
Nicole Saunders
Hi Aswin -
I apologize that it took a couple of days for me to find the answer to this for you, but here's the info from Google on how to verify your site ownership And the Guide team recommends using theHTML Tag verification method.
Aswin Kannan
Thank you, Nicole. That worked like a charm! :)
For other fellow members: You need to go to Guide Admin > Customize Design (eye icon) > click on your current theme > Edit code and then paste the meta tag in document_head.hbs
Nicole Saunders
I'm so glad to hear, Aswin! :)
Usuario admin redk
Is there a way to verify separately different areas of help center? For example, we would like to separate Support languages in our help center but if we use document_head.hbs it seems that this will verify all of our guide.
Ryan Winkler
Hey @...,
When you go to Verify, you are able to type in/section off the specific pathway you would want to look at, so you could add, for instance: https://SUBDOMAIN.zendesk.com/hc/ja/ and you should be able to verify just for that.
As for verifying in general, you can also link your Google Analytics account, to avoid customizing the theme in anyway, you just have to enable analytics from your settings, and link it.
Here is a Quick run down:
Hopefully that helps!
Usuario admin redk
Thanks Ryan for such a complete answer. We tried the second way and worked perfectly.