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Receiving error when using API
Gepostet 05. Apr. 2022
Hi. I'm trying to update users through API using Postman. I'm using the instructions here https://developer.zendesk.com/api-reference/ticketing/users/users/#update-many-users specifically the batch update part. I'm updating emails so I'm using the user ids from the user profile web address and the new email.
I'm using the following endpoint: https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/users/update_many.json (I've put the real tenant name in for {subdomain}
Here is the Params I'm passing. The #'s are replacing the actual data. I've tried email addresses with ""s and without.
"users": [
{ "id": ########, "email": ####@#####.com},
{ "id": ########, "email": #####@####.com}
"users": [
{ "id": ########, "email": ####@#####.com},
{ "id": ########, "email": #####@####.com}
This is the message I'm getting back
"error": "ParameterMissing",
"description": "Parameter Both ids/external_ids and users attributes must be present is required"
I've even tried adding the external_id parameter but still get the same thing.
Anyone have any ideas?
2 Kommentare
Rest easy that your request body is fine Chris Hardy, this is a problem with postman and the way you have your request set up and it's very simple to fix:
You're sending the request as text instead of JSON.
You'll want to select JSON from this dropdown located in the body tab of your request.
I hope this helps!
Chris Hardy
Awesome. Thanks Jack.
I got it to work. Unfortunately I'm trying to update primary email address but looks like you can't do that with existing users. But at least I know how to update users through API now.