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Print Ticket function improvements
Gepostet 06. Mai 2022
(1) Image inclusion:
Please include images in the ticket printing function in Support. The way it works today is essentially nothing more than a print of the email communication string. This is not sufficient. I would like to utilize the print to pdf function, and much of the context of the tickets in my use case involves discussion about attached or inline images. I would like to be able to guide my agents to print to pdf so that they may include the ticket details in any reports they may create for archival in our other business systems, however with out this context the info is incomplete.
(2) Optional internal comment inclusion:
Please make it optional, or at least possible, for the agent to include internal comments when they so choose.
(3) Optional side conversation inclusion:
Please make it optional, or at least possible, to show side conversation emails and tickets, or at least show reference in the print that they occurred, like inclusion of the hashtag-ticket number in the correct place where it initiated.
6 Kommentare
Zac Garcia
Hi David,
Thanks for sharing this! We're looking at ways to improve the print ticket feature, and are keenly aware of the needs around (2) - Optional internal comment inclusion. You're not the first to raise up the desire to exclude private comments from tickets when they're printed or saved to PDF. This seems to be especially important for sharing materials with stakeholders or customers outside your immediate team or organization.
We're doing more research on (1) and (3) with no specific plans to communicate at the moment - however, if we pursue this further, would you be open to us contacting you to learn a little more about your use case?
David Brown
Zac Garcia I am certainly open to discussion, that is perhaps the best way to have a better understanding of our workflow, needs, and use case(s).
Vanessa Radman
Is printing a ticket with images anywhere on the roadmap? I see it still hasn't been rolled out. Gmail does this really well as a reference.
An update would be appreciated.
Zac Garcia
Hi all! Thanks for your feedback and for taking the time to follow up. Unfortunately, due to a reprioritization this quarter around our major updates to Agent Home, and resource constraints as a result, this specific feature is not currently on the roadmap. We hear you that this is important and do hope to gather support in future quarters to bring this back up but can not commit to a timeline at this moment. While not the news we want to share, it is important we remain transparent where we are at to help you understand the product. Should anything change here we will let you know. I encourage others who may be facing this issue to raise your voices in the upvotes and comments, it does have an impact! Shawna and our PM team will be monitoring this thread for more feedback. Thank you again!
Vanessa Radman
Zac Garcia unfortunate news but I do appreciate the follow-up. I hope more people vote this up as it's super important for our business needs.
Lutz Weber
Hej :)
I would like to participate in discussing about functionalities of printing tickets. Not sure why such an essential feature (for archive reasons / for communication with stakeholders / ... ) is only available very "narrow-gauge".
I would recommend to implement the following ideas as native functionalities:
As an example for good customization possibilites you could compare the app "Ticket pdf Download" by Nusive with good approaches but here the layout of the printout is not as nice and the conversations appear as justified text. Also screenshots, tables, .. are not included in the printout.
By the way: I like the layout and how the content is displayed in the native embedded print functionality very much. And both the Zendesk App "Print Ticket" is not usable and other Print Apps have other disadvantages. So I would really like to come back to use the embedded functionality.
I did a comparison of the result of the three tools mentioned - but I can not upload them here - because they are in pdf format.
Please feel free to reach out to me to understand the ideas in specific and in case your interested in the different printouts.
It would be great to have an improved way of printing tickets! =)
Best regards