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Request API search by range date

Gepostet 23. Feb. 2023

Is there any way to search the request API (https://developer.zendesk.com/api-reference/ticketing/tickets/ticket-requests/) by range date ?  The idea is to only return a collection of requests that are between two dates.

Is this possible ? thank you



3 Kommentare

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Tipene Hughes

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Carlos,
You can use the Search Requests endpoint to specify a date range using support placeholders. Here's a link to the support search reference which has information about searching with date ranges:
Searching with a date/time range
I hope this helps!


Hi Tipene Hughes

Thank you for the reply. I double checked the query it worked :) 

Example: /api/v2/requests/search.json?query=created>2023-02-01 created<2023-02-03

Appreciated ! 


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Tipene Hughes

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Glad to hear it :)

Have a great day!



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