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Zendesk Support search reference

Edited Mar 19, 2025




Hi, is there a way to search for tickets that have specific users as followers? I used to be able use "cc:username" for this, but it doesn't appear to work correctly for follower tickets.


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Beau P.

Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Ian,

Presently there isn't a search operator for followers, so you cannot construct search statements to return follower information.

Your options in this regard are detailed here, and include viewing an agent's followed tickets directly within their profile, or having agents create macros to apply a follower tag and then building views to see those tagged tickets:

Let us know if you have any additional questions presently!

Beau | Customer Advocate |

Ask our Zendesk Community


about 90% of our business comes through Twitter DMs.  Is there a way to search for the Twitter Handle in Zendesk (ie... @twitterhandle)?  This would be a huge help for our team! 

Thanks in advance, Matt


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Kharlo Reboja

Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Matt,

Thanks for reaching out. At this time, searching by Twitter handle is currently not supported and is out of the Twitter integrations native functionalities.


Kharlo | Customer Advocate


@... we've been working on a Zendesk search app lately and we're planning to add support for Twitter handlers soon.
The app is available on Zendesk's apps marketplace and you can give it a free try here.



I was taking a look at your Zendesk Search App recently, and I was really hopeful to find Twitter handle searching.  If this is implemented can you please tag me and let me know?  This would be a huge help for our team's efficiency!

Thank you @... & @... for the replies and insight 💯


@... the twitter handle searching is implemented now.

Signup here to give it a try.



Thanks for the head's up! I just sent an email to you, and we can chat further over there. 

Talk to you soon!


How to search for a long list of tickets id's  (I tried with ID#:1234; ID#:2345; ID#:5678) and (1234; 2345; 5678) and (#1234; #2345; #5678) no results with any of the above 




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Jason Schaeffer

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Maria,

On Zendesk UI You can't search or a view to display multiple tickets by the IDs, But zendesk has REST API to achieve this, where you can just pass the ticket ids to get the result like below{}

Hope that helps!

Jason Schaeffer | Customer Advocate |


Is there any way to search for Organizations where shared_tickets = true? I'm trying

 /api/v2/search.json?query=type:organization shared_tickets="true" 

without any luck.

We're trying to ensure that there are no shared organizations, programmatically, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do this in Zendesk.


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hey @...! shared_tickets is not an organization property that can be searched at this time. However, this information is available in exports of organization data. See Exporting data to a JSON, CSV, or XML file for more information on exports. 

If you would like to see shared_tickets as a searchable property in the future, I would encourage you to leave feedback in our Feedback on Support community page!


How can I search for no data on a custom field single text line?

For example, I have a custom field named Company Name, and I wish to get all tickets that have no company name?

I've tried searching for 

custom_field_360015212345:none    ==> gives zero results.

-custom_field_360015212345:Microsoft    ==> gives all results but Microsoft, and I can't sort it by the custom field.



Hello Yaniv,

I tried to replicate this using the "null" value but to no avail also. I got a confirmation from our team that the search parameter involving empty custom fields won't work as the current search function requires a value for lookup.


Hi @...

Thanks for your reply. I actually got an answer from @... on this page: 


Here's how to search for tickets with a blank text field (assuming the blank text field's ID is 360015212345):


And as a bonus, note that


will return any tickets where the value of the text field is not blank.

And it actually works!


Good catchI Thanks for pointing this out. I overlooked regex as a possible workaround in your case. Cheers!


This is linked to from the Search API docs, but none of this syntax actually seems to be valid in a API call. Is there any instructions available on how to use this with the Search API?


@CJ Johnson

Did you URL encode the query string? It‘s not mentioned explicitly, but the examples show it.


I did, and half of these just don't work. Then again, the same ones don't work even in the actual search box on the site, either. I ended up opening a support ticket as it seems like something is quite broken with this. 


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Julio H

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi CJ Johnson,

Unfortunately, as this is custom code, we are unable to provide detailed instructions for the syntax, also, depending on the program you are using, this might work or might not work. 

I recommend using Postman to verify that the search is valid. 

This is an example of searching an ORG with the name: Office's City LA / Main Building / Main Kitchen

On Postman, the syntax will be different as you can use:'s City LA / Main Building / Main Kitchen"

If you would like to search all tickets with a custom field, that are not in blank, I will recommend creating an Explore query where you can return all tickets with that field and exclude with a filter the null result.

You can provide the query that is not working for you to test it out.

I hope this help!



Hi Julio, 

I think there's some confusion here.  This isn't custom code. It's the attributes you're providing in this article.

In your example, it really is the same for both, you just aren't seeing the URL encoding Postman is doing on the backend to convert things like spaces to %20. 

I am not able to do this in Explore, because Explore doesn't have the capability to search the description and comments of all tickets for a string, which the search field does. 

Finally, if these don't work *in the search box on your site*, surely that cannot be considered "unsupported custom code"? 

I did end up opening a ticket about it, and thus far, the agent has agreed that indeed, the examples in this articles that I tried, do not function as written, and it has been escalated now, so hopefully this will get fixed, and things will work as written in this article again soon. 


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Julio H

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi CJ Johnson,

Thanks for the update!

Glad to hear that you have an open ticket with our Support Team to review this further internally for you, and hopefully understand where the issue is located. They will get back to you with an update shortly.


Is there a way to search on multiple groups or multiple forms?  Seems with each field you can only search for one item.  Also seems to be the case within Search API.  Any help would be appreciated


Using "none" in tag searches returns zero results. I have confirmed that there are ~200 that do not have tags.

When I put in the search term " tags:none" there are no results under "Users" and when clicking on the Filters drop-down I'm told that it's not a valid tag:

This seems to have changed within the last week because I was using this same method successfully until a few days ago.


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Terry,


When you use a data property keyword multiple times in a query, there is an OR search across the values you specified. For example:

form:01 form:02

The above query will return tickets with the ticket from 01 or ticket form 02. If you have 5 tickets with ticket form 01, and 7 tickets with ticket form 02, then the query above will show you all 12 tickets. For more information about this, see Using Zendesk Support advanced search

Hi Joshua,

Tested this in my account and the search query tags:none worked perfectly for me.

Even though I could see the same message that you are seeing:


This is most likely just an interface warning, but bottom line is that the none keyword should still work.

Another way to test this is by using Search API:

https://<your subdomain>

If you're not getting any results, it's possible that you have no tickets with 0 tags. You can open up one of your tickets that have no tags and double-check them. Please also note that ticket fields also affect tags, i.e. selecting a value for your ticket fields would add its equivalent tag to your ticket. For more information about this, see Understanding tags and ticket fields 


Is there no way to search on "custom role"? 


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi CJ,

Based on my testing, searching for custom roles also work even by just using the role keyword. If there are spaces in the custom role's name, you can put the name inside a " ". You can also search using the role ID. In my screenshot below, I have a role named New Role and a user with that role:


Using role ID:


Hi all , can we add validations in custom fields like there is a price which should be less than 50 in search query


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Karan,


You can use search operators when doing an advanced search together with doing a custom field search using the syntax custom_field_<custom field ID>


For example, you can try using the 'less than' operator in your query to get price that are less than 50 which could be something like:


For more information, see these articles:

Searching custom ticket fields

Search operators


Hello all

Apologies if its been discussed already but I'd like to know how I can add custom ticket fields to the search view. 


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