Full text searches return results from all the data in Zendesk Support. To search exclusively for ticket data, you can use ticket property keywords.
In the example above, status
is the keyword and
is the value. This search returns all the
tickets with status set to open. This of course directly maps to the ticket
fields and their values.
status:open group:"Level 2"
This returns all the open tickets that are assigned to the Level 2 support group.
This article covers the following topics:
For a quick reference to all searchable data, see Zendesk Support search reference.
Ticket property keywords
The ticket property keywords and their values that you can use in your searches are described in the following table. Not all of the ticket data is searchable. Administrators and agents can search for tickets using these keywords.
Keyword | Description |
Ticket ID | There isn't a property keyword for the ticket ID. Instead, you simply
search for the ticket by its ID number in the following format:233 |
created |
The date, or date and time, the ticket was created. Enter date in
yyy-mm-dd format. created:2011-05-01 Search within a date or time range. Enter times using ISO 8601 syntax. For example, to search for a ticket created between 10:30 a.m. and 12 p.m. (UTC) on August 1, 2014: created>2014-08-01T10:30:00Z created<2014-08-01T12:00:00Z For more information on using date and time in your search, see Searching by date and time. |
updated |
The date of the most recent ticket update. updated>2011-05-15 For more information on using date and time in your search, see Searching by date and time. |
solved |
The date the ticket was set to solved. solved<2011-06-01 For more information on using date and time in your search, see Searching by date and time. |
due_date |
The due date of tickets. due_date:2011-06-01 For more information on using date and time in your search, see Searching by date and time. |
assignee |
The assigned agent or other entity. You can specify "none", "me",
user name (full name or partial), email address, user ID, or phone
number (see the phone user
property for help searching by phone number).assignee:"Susan Warren" |
submitter |
The ticket submitter. This may be different than the requester if the
ticket was submitted by an agent on behalf of the requester. You can
specify "none", "me", user name (full name or partial), email address,
user ID, or phone number (see the phone user
property for help searching by phone number). See Searching ticket user roles. submitter:me |
requester |
The ticket requester. You can specify "none", "me", user name (full
name or partial), email address, user ID, or phone number (see the phone user
property for help searching by phone number).requester:amy@mondocam.com |
subject |
The text in the ticket's subject. subject:"upgrade account" |
description |
The text in the ticket's description and comments.description:defective |
custom_status_id |
If custom ticket statuses are
activated, search for a specific system or custom ticket
status. Specify the status by its numeric ID, which you can find on the
Ticket statuses page when editing a ticket status.
status |
Possible values: new, open, pending, hold, solved, closed. status<closed |
ticket_type |
Possible values: question, incident, problem, task. ticket_type:problem |
priority |
Possible values: low, normal, high, urgent.
priority>low |
group |
Specify the name or ID of a group. Returns tickets assigned to agents
who are members of the group. Examples:group:"Level 2" group:20663166 |
organization |
Specify the name or ID of an organization. Returns tickets by
requesters who are members of the organization. Examples:organization:customers organization:22989442 You can also specify "none" to return tickets by requesters who are not members of any organization. organization:none |
tags |
Specify tags that have been added to the ticket or "none."tags:premium To find tickets that include either of two tags, use: tags:important tags:urgent To find tickets that include both tags: tags:"important urgent" |
via |
The ticket's source, for example:
via:phone For a full list of sources, see Via types reference in the Zendesk developer documentation. |
commenter |
People who have added comments to tickets. You can specify "none",
"me", user name (full name or partial), email address, user ID, or phone
number (see the phone user
property for help searching by phone number).commenter:"Mike" |
cc |
People who have been CC'd on tickets. You can specify "none", "me",
user name (full name or partial), email address, user ID, or phone
number (see the phone user
property for help searching by phone number).cc:amanda@mondocam.com |
fieldvalue |
Search for a specific value in any custom ticket fields by using the
fieldvalue keyword. For example:fieldvalue:12345 This returns all the tickets that have a custom field with the value "12345." For drop-down custom fields, search for tags associated with the field value you want to find. For checkbox custom fields, you can search for tickets with the field checked or unchecked. For example: custom_field_<Field ID>:checked |
custom_field_{id} |
Search for a value of a specific custom ticket field. Specify the
field by its numeric ID, which you can get from the URL of the Ticket
Fields page in the admin interface or with the Ticket Fields API. The syntax
is custom_field_<custom field ID>:<value> . Example:
You can search for values ranging from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. |
brand |
Search for a specific brand on a ticket using the brand name or the
brand ID. A brand with two or more words requires quotation marks. For
example:brand:Nordstrom Or
brand: "Banana Republic" Or brand:<ID number> |
has_attachment |
Search for all tickets with or without attachments using
true or false . To search for tickets with attachments:
To search for all tickets without attachments:
form |
Search for all tickets created with a particular ticket form. If the name of the ticket form includes multiple words, use quotation marks. For example:
If the name of the ticket form is a single word, you don't have to use the quotation marks. For example:
recipient |
Search for all tickets created with a particular recipient. This
only works for Zendesk support addresses (the ultimate destination)
of emails forwarded from external
comment |
Search for text within a ticket's
To search for an exact match within the comments of a ticket, use double quotes.
Note: Only
the first 500 comments in a ticket are
All of the ticket property keywords can be used in search statements alone, in combination
with other ticket property keywords, or with the type
keyword (see Using
the type keyword).
Searching ticket user roles
Users have various roles on tickets (requester, assignee, etc). These user roles can be searched by the user's ID, their name (partial or full), or their email address, as in these examples:
requester:52789480 submitter:amy assignee:"amy moore" requester:amy@mondocam.com
Notice that none of these searches required the ID, or name, or email to be explicitly declared. Each of these keywords accepts all of these user identifiers.
Searching custom ticket fields
You can search for a specific value in custom ticket fields by using the
keyword. For example:
This returns all the tickets that have a custom field with the value "12345."
If your custom field assigns a tag to the ticket, you can also search for custom ticket fields using the tags that you assigned to the custom field. For example, if you created a drop-down list, you can search for the tags assigned to each list box item.
To search for specific drop-down list selections, you use the
This applies to the custom field types that can be assigned tags: the drop-down list and the checkbox. The checkbox custom field can include a tag to indicate that the user has clicked the checkbox.
All of the other custom fields types except the lookup relationship field
(text, multi-line text, numeric, decimal, regular expression) can be
searched by the text or number values submitted by ticket
requesters. For example, if you added a numeric custom field to the
support request form to collect demographic information such as age,
you can search for the numbers that the requesters entered in the
form (type:ticket "18"
Searching by the lookup relationship field is not supported.
Additionally, you can search only a specified custom ticket field using its ID (found on the Ticket fields page in Admin Center > Objects and rules > Tickets > Fields). For example:
Syntax | Example |
Returns a list of tickets where the custom ticket field with ID 1413 includes the phrase"new". |
Returns a list of tickets where the custom ticket field with ID 1413 is blank. |
Returns a list of tickets where the custom ticket field with ID 1413 is used, and not blank. |
Searching for ticket attachments
You can use the following keywords when searching for ticket attachments.
Keyword | Description |
has_attachment |
You use this keyword to search for tickets that either do or not contain file
attachments. There are two valid values for this keyword: true
and false .
attachment_name |
You can also search for a file attachment by name.
Searching for tickets with a specific ticket form
You can search for a ticket form and get results for all tickets where that ticket form is applied. For example, the following search returns all tickets that use the Change Request ticket form:
form:"Change Request"
Searching for tickets by telephone number
To locate a user's tickets based on their phone number, you can use a search statement like this:
requester:+14154187506 status:new
This works with all of the ticket user roles: submitter
, and assignee
Searching for yourself
The me
keyword value allows you to search user properties in tickets where
the value is your own user account (as the currently logged in user).
For information about searching for user profile data, see Searching users.
Ordering and sorting ticket search results
Search results can be ordered and sorted using the order_by
status:new order_by:updated_at sort:asc
Here are the valid sorting and ordering keyword and value pairs that you can use:
All of the order_by
and sort
keyword/values pairs can be
used when searching ticket data.
Dave Quenzer
Hi Team, is there a way to search for tickets that have multiple responses? For example, if a customer responds with a follow up question after receiving an initial answer. I've searched on follow up and found lots of info about tickets that are created subsequent to a closed ticket. That's not what I'm after. I'm looking for tickets that have multiple responses in a single ticket. Thanks.
Sorin Alupoaie
@... we've been working on a Zendesk search app lately and we're planning to add filters for tickets that have multiple-responses soon.
The app is available on Zendesk's apps marketplace and you can give it a free try here.
Kate Ambash
I have multiple brands for my organization and I need to see a list of all tickets for one brand. Is a view the best way to do this? Or how might I search for this?
Dave Dyson
Hi Kate,
You can use brand as a search criteria (look for "Nordstrom" in the article above), but creating Views for each brand will probably save you time in the long run. Look for Ticket:Brand in the list of criteria when creating your View – for more information, see Creating views to manage ticket workflow
Kate Ambash
@... When I create the view using Ticket: Brand and then also Group, it doesn't give me all tickets. I tried adding every status and i'm still only given open tickets.
Is there a way to create a view to see all historical tickets?
Bilyana Ivanova
Is there a way to sort by requester? We get a lot of repetitive messages (error reports) and sometimes the requesters send more than one. I need to know how many reports there are and was wondering if there is a way to either:
1. exclude messages from same requesters to leave only one request shown per requester OR
2. sort by requester names so I could at least have a chance of counting through when same names are shows in clusters.
Jason Schaeffer
Hello Bilyana,
Thanks for reaching out! Your best bet in that case would be taking advantage of the Advanced Search feature which allows you to get more granular I.E. Searching by specific user. Additionally when you make a search you can filter by Subject so if the requester is making several tickets with repetitive messages it would be an easy way to isolate the tickets you wish to see. Please refer to the article below:
Jason Schaeffer | Customer Advocate |
Yaniv Dayan
How can I search for no data on a custom field single text line?
For example, I have a custom field named Company Name, and I wish to get all tickets that have no company name?
I've tried searching for
custom_field_360015212345:none ==> gives zero results.
-custom_field_360015212345:Microsoft ==> gives all results but Microsoft, and I can't sort it by the custom field.
Dave Dyson
Hi Yaniv –
Great question, and you're almost there! Here's how to search for tickets with a blank text field (assuming the blank text field's ID is 360015212345):
And as a bonus, note that
will return any tickets where the value of the text field is not blank.
Yaniv Dayan
Hi Dave,
That's great, thank you!
Can you update this valuable information to this article, and also to "Zendesk Support search reference"?
Dwight Bussman
@... @... - I think the reason this search wasn't included in the Search Reference article is that this specific command doesn't seem to return archived tickets, whereas other search commands do.
CJ Johnson
will return any tickets where the value of the text field is not blank.
The second one refuses to work for me, is this still valid? I'm going bananas trying to exclude tickets where a custom field is blank, nothing seems to work.
Is there a way to search a Twitter handle. This information is under the end user section. Can we set it as a custom search? We can currently search the twitter username which shows as the requester but this is different than the handle that shows under end user information. Please help!
Abraham K.
Hi Amelia: Unfortunately the Twitter handle information from the contact details in a User profile do not populate into search information at all at this time.
CJ Johnson
Hi Abraham,
Thanks, but I'm not asking for a search operator that finds where it's a NULL value, I'm asking for the opposite. I want to return all tickets where the custom field has any value. This suggestion, no longer seems functional:

Abraham K.
CJ Johnson
The article now explicitly includes these methods, which still don't work? I tried both and got the same results I got 2 months ago.
Edit: The culprit this time turned out to be that the ticket fields page, adds a space to the id when you copy it, even though it doesn't look like it when you highlight the number. Just a weird UI copy/paste issue! This works fine if you don't include a space. :)
Dwight Bussman
HeyO CJ Johnson - if you're seeing results that differ from our documentation, please contact Support to look into that further
Joel Hellman
About that "wildcard search on values for specific custom fields as documented today:"
The article is still not correct here. As Abraham K. from Zendesk said
When I need this today, I noticed the wildcard syntax * doesn't work for date fields, nor the negation. I could try all combinations for all field types (text, date, tagger, etc) and summarize it - but maybe someone from Zendesk could just look into this, then update the article with the correct answers with the nuances needed? That would be great! :)
Heather Rommel
Does anyone happen to know how to search for the Submitter ROLE? Like submitter:"light agent" or submitter_role:"light agent" ?
I can't seem to find any reference to search for this.
Tony Jansson
1 requester can have several tickets with "new" status awaiting to be assigned.
Lets say there are a total of 100 tickets.
40 of those are connected to only 4 requesters.
Is it a way to find only tickets for those 4 requesters by:
1) search for users that have more than 1 "new" tickets awaiting?
2) search for tickets, that is connected to a users that have more new tickets pending?
The goal is to find users that might have sent new request, that is connected to the original one.
Eric Benson
On the Team plan. Is there a way to search for tickets created in a certain date range but only find tickets that were modified before or after certain times of day? For example, all tickets created from Jan 1 to Jan 7 that were modified before 8am or after 5pm. (outside business hours)
I don't see a way to do that with the search parameters on this page.
Heather Rommel,
The roles that can be used on searching tickets are only for the user roles in the actual ticket, ie, submitter, requester and assignee. User Roles like Admin or Agents is not part of the search scheme.
Tony Jansson,
You can try to use requester:[Name] Status<Solved. However, it will be better if you just use the actual Zendesk UI to search for tickets associated with that user. Just click the name of the requester and it should show you all the tickets associated with it.
Eric Benson,
You can try to use Zendesk Support advanced search.
Heather Rommel
Hi there, We should have the ability to search by role for Agents, not just End Users! We currently use the Exporter App and/or the Super Admin app to help us do the things we would expect from the UI...
Heather Rommel,
I agree with you on this one. As it turns out, we don't have this capability yet. Feedback like this helps us to continuously improve our service.
I'd recommend creating a Community post separately for that with your use case to help get more visibility and votes on the idea. Then, others can share their use cases to further drive demand for that feature.
Hi Heather Rommel
If you know the "Group ID" that the user can be in you can do this search:
"Mauro" group_id:24908185
Was no so easy to arrive to this conclusion...
Best regards.
Heather Rommel
Wow, thanks for that! I went to https://MYDOMAIN.zendesk.com/api/v2/groups to grab the group IDs.
I'm thinking I might rope one of my coworkers to grab the JSON and give me the full list in csv so I can actually work with it. https://MYDOMAIN.zendesk.com/api/v2/groups/GROUPID/users
Dave Dyson
Erik Greenwood
How specifically, can I search for archived tickets? I have tried views and searches without luck.
Dwight Bussman
heyO Erik - there isn't a specific search filter to only show archived tickets, but searching for tickets with a status of closed that were updated before 120 days in the past should return those:
(2022-01-11 is 120 days ago if searching today)
Please feel free to contact support if this isn't working for you.