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Select "multiple" Community Posts and edit them (e.g. move to another Topic)


Gepostet 12. Juni 2023


I'm planning to integrate our Community topics from 4 to 2, and hoping to find a way to select multiple community posts and move them to certain topic at once. 

So far I've searched related posts in Zendesk, however it only shows how to move(edit) posts one by one. Is there any way to integrate Community topics in easier way? Cannot edit all the posts one by one. 





1 Kommentar

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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Boyoon,
Unfortunately there's no way to bulk move posts in the UI. You may be able to accomplish this using the API but that would require some developer resources on your end. More information in our documentation here: https://developer.zendesk.com/api-reference/help_center/help-center-api/posts/
I hope this helps!


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