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Answer bot Submitted From URL

Gepostet 30. Aug. 2023

Hey all! 

I'm currently moving away from webwidget over to answerbot 

In my quest to try to replicate the webwidget functionality with the "submitted from: URL" message, I've been able to use
// Wait for the Zendesk script to load
        window.addEventListener('load', function () {
            // Get the current page URL
            var currentPageURL = window.location.href;

zE('messenger:set', 'conversationFields', [
                    { id: '18178687406865', value: currentPageURL },
which works perfectly fine, IF I want to add a custom field to the bot flow and ask the user what URL and have it pre-filled with the messenger:set

Any ideas on how I can potentially have that injected into the API body without putting a field visible for the customer?



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