When a chat session is timed out, and the visitor requests a new chat, the new chat request does not retain the department assigned from the previous session. Is there a way to reapply the department assigned from the previous chat?
It is expected behavior for a new chat session to not reapply the department automatically after a visitor timeout. As a workaround, use the on chat:connected API callback to identify the reconnection event and update the user settings with updateSettings API to set the department for the new chat session.
The API is applied when the reconnect event occurs after a visitor time out but before the new message is sent by the visitor. This ensures the department gets assigned to the new session.
Below is an example API script that uses these methods to reapply the Shopping Cart department whenever a visitor first connects or reconnects from a timed-out session.
<script id="ze-snippet"
src=""> </script>
<script type="text/javascript">
zE('webWidget:on', 'chat:connected', function() {
zE('webWidget', 'updateSettings', {
webWidget: {
chat: {
departments: {
select: 'Shopping Cart'