Can I move my greetings from one Zendesk account to another Zendesk account?
It is not possible to move your greetings from one Zendesk account to another Zendesk account. However, you can achieve the same goal by using one of the methods listed below.
- Re-upload the greetings to the destination account, if you have it stored locally.
- Manually download the greetings from the console (Inspect > Elements)
When you mouse over the play button for each greeting, right-click the link to the MP3 file in the console. Click Open in new tab and download the greeting.
- Download the greetings using the greetings API.
List the greetings to get the greeting ID:
GET /api/v2/channels/voice/greetings.json
Get the link to the MP3 file:
GET /api/v2/channels/voice/greetings/{id}/recording.mp3
Note: There is currently an issue with Chrome and downloading the audio file will fail. Please use an alternative browser to download the recording.