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Recipe: Send messages to your customers waiting in the queue

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Elissa Tikalsky

Zendesk Digital Resources Team

Edited Dec 08, 2023




I've set up this trigger, but it's still sending the message when an agent is serving the customer?


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Heather Rommel

Zendesk LuminaryThe Product Manager Whisperer - 2021Community Moderator

Hi Oscar Maynard

I think it's colliding even though you have "Visitor served" is false. 

You can try moving the "still on site" above Visitor served = false.

And you  might want to add a condition to check if an Agent is assigned the chat... I don't have mine up right now but I think there's one you can add in that category if the above doesn't work.



Hi @..., swapping them around seems to have done the trick! Thank you :) 


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Heather Rommel

Zendesk LuminaryThe Product Manager Whisperer - 2021Community Moderator

Oscar Maynard

Thanks for circling back and letting us know it worked!


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Elissa Tikalsky

Zendesk Digital Resources Team

Hi @... and @... 

Thanks so much for the catch and the expert assist! I've updated the article to reflect the correct (working) order!

Thanks again


Hi! The selection "Still on Site" seems to be missing from my trigger options. I am trying to do this for messaging and chat. Is this not available for messaging? If not, then is there another option? I tried leaving off "still on site" and added an action to "wait 60 seconds" and then send the message.

This did not work because the wait is in the action and not the conditions. This means the trigger is not waiting 60 seconds before checking to see if the customer is still in the queue. Instead, the trigger sees that the visitor is requesting a chat and they haven't been helped yet and fires the trigger by starting the 60 second clock and then sending the message. Our agents are able to get to the chat in under 60 seconds and then the message pops up while they are chatting. I need the 60 second wait in the "check conditions", not in the action area. Any ideas?

I also tried keeping the trigger only for "chat" instead of "chat and messaging" and included the "still on site" condition, but it would not fire the trigger in the web widget for messaging.



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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Jen,
It's possible that you are currently using Messaging that's why "Still on Site" condition is no longer available. You can check How migrating to messaging impacts Chat settings for more information.



You can create a similar trigger for a proactive message by using the conditions below.

By using the condition Visitor served > Is false, it will restrict the message to be sent when an agent is already serving the chat of your customers.
I hope this information helped you out.
Zendesk | Customer Advocate



Is there a way for this trigger to be sent repeatedly while the customer is waiting in queue for a live agent? The settings for this works perfectly, but I would like for it to send every 60 seconds if a customer is waiting for an agent.



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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Jamal,
As it turns out, you can only send such triggers once. Making additional triggers with greater values of "Still on site" can serve as a workaround for it.


Can the text we write into the 'send message to your visitor' be translated?

our Customer's locale setup is DE (German) and he get to see the whole chat in German (which is great), but these automated messages we wrote on the setup remains in English.. how to translate it according to the user's locale? 


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Dror,
You will have to manually translate and enter it on the action "Send Message to Visitor". If you are supporting multiple languages you will need to create multiple triggers for it.  You will also need to add the condition "Visitor country code" on your triggers to specify to what chat sessions it will be sent.


Hey Dane Heather Rommel - do you good folks have any suggestions for my use case here?

I want to set up a chat rescuer for customers who have been sat idle in the chat. So our agents have sent a message and are waiting for the customer to respond.

I've kind of got it working using the below trigger:

(The 60 secs is just a placeholder for testing, I'll set a longer duration).
But it still seems to fire irrespective of who just sent the last message.

Cheers! Matt


Hi Dane.

I think your trigger for messaging is not working.


that condition "wait" only for delaying the message to send to end-user.

that condition will always send a message to end-user eventho agent already served the end-user.


I've tried this trigger. and that what I get.


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Ariya,
Thank you for pointing that one out. The example I have provided was for Chat and Messaging. Upon checking the impact of Messaging to Chat Triggers, the wait condition is no longer available for Messaging.
  • Chat trigger conditions: Visitor department, Account status, Department status, or Chat-related information (all types).


Hi Matt Farrington-Smith

Did you ever get a response on how to get your trigger to work for your use case? We would like to do the same thing, if customer is idle for XX time a message is triggered to the customer if they still require assistance. 


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Shelley and Matt,

You will need a combination of triggers for this workflow.
Trigger 1: This will add a tag when an agent sends a message.

Trigger 2: This will remove the tag when a visitor sends the message.

Trigger 3: This will utilize the tag added and check it in intervals to be able to send the message.


Hope this helps.


Dane thanks so much for your time and effort on putting this together. I will give it ago and reach out if we have any issues. Thanks again!


Hi, am not able to get any of my commands to work at all. The only Channel option I have is " Messaging, and though I have tried many different instructions and none have produced any messages, this is the one I am trying now, but with no luck: Do you see any reason I would not be getting any messages to send automatically? I have tried longer "Wait" times, no "Wait" time, with and without "Visitor Served" = False, etc, etc.

Thanks in advance for any insight you can provide.


Hello, the trigger in my account became invalid after setting conditions related to departments and account status. How can I solve this problem?
When the condition in the red box is not added, it will be sent normally according to the condition, but adding any condition will no longer send the message;
Oh, by the way, we are using a messaging channel



Can this trigger run with Departments?
We don't want it to fire with certain Departments, have added "Department" Does not contain "Department name" and it's still firing.


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Lisa,
Looking at the screenshot, you are using the Check all of the following conditions. This means that if the Chat properties did not meet any of the conditions in the trigger, it will not fire. Can you try changing it to Check Any of the Following Conditions instead? More information here: Trigger conditions.
Paolo | Technical Support Engineer | Zendesk


Hi Paolo,

Thank you, I've made the changes however it's still not working correctly. 
Do I need to create a separate trigger to exclude other departments who are in our instance? I've made the changes below and all departments are still receiving the message. 


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