Can I use an image saved locally on my computer in my agent signature?
No, it is not possible to use a locally saved file from your computer in your agent signature. Upload the file to an image hosting site or save it as an asset in your Guide. This generates a link that you can use in your signature.
For more information on adding images to your agent signatures, see the article: How can I add a hyperlink or image to my signature?
Tia Zanghi
Once I save the image as an asset in the Help Center, what do I do next to get that image to appear in the agent's signature field?
Tia Zanghi
Hi Dave, I am unable to see your instructions, please post again. Thank you so much for your assistance with this matter!
Dave Dyson
Once you've gotten your image uploaded as an asset in Guide, go to that asset's page, where the Template, CSS, and Javascript references are listed, and... ignore all that. Instead. right-click (or control-click on MacOS, or it might be a two-finger click if you're working on a laptop) on the image itself, and select "Copy image address" from the menu that pops up (the phrasing might be different depending on the browser you're using, but you want to the get url of your image). You can verify that you've got it by pasting into the url bar of a new browser tab or window -- your image should be displayed.
Once you've got that, then you can follow the instructions provided in How can I add a hyperlink or image to my signature?, using either of these options:
and replacing imageurl with your saved image url, keeping the parentheses around it. If you want the image to be clickable, use the first option and also replace linkurl with the url you want the user to be taken to when they click on the image (but keep the parentheses around that, too).
I hope this helps, and thanks for your patience! I'll delete my previous comment, since it wasn't a complete thought anyway.