Why are we getting tickets with [No content] in the subject or description?
These tickets are most likely created by email. This can occur when the customer emails your support email address without content in the subject or body fields of the email. This can also happen if the body of the email contains unformatted content that is not supported by Zendesk.
Have the sender resend their message if it is not viewable in the original email source.
For another reason you might not see content in the body of the message, see this article: Updated ticket does not show any content from the customer.
Christine Morrissey
Can anyone explain why this also happens with text messages? I am noticing that if I get a new ticket but it doesn't show a new response inside the ticket, I have to click the small clock that shows events and it shows me the missing message. Ever since the recent update this has happened so I'm not sure what is causing this.
Due to the nature of your concern, I'll create a ticket for you to investigate further. Please wait for my update via email and let's start from there.
Jonathan Blackburn
Is there a way to suggest a specific help center article for these tickets? in the reply which is sent when "Notify requester of received request" is triggered.