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What profile permissions are required for the Zendesk for Salesforce integration?

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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

Edited Jul 29, 2024





We were using the data sync with Salesforce successfully and had it setup as per the documentation but after a few tickets had failed to sync we noticed that the configuration for the data sync for accounts, contacts and tickets had been disabled due to an error. 

We did the configuration again for Contacts and Tickets sync, but we can't do the Accounts sync config because now we don't see the Domain Mapping anymore. We can't see it in the dropdown for mapping the fields in the sync config screen, and we also don't have permissions for it in Salesforce. 

Any idea what might be the reason since we have not changed any permission settings?


Nevena Imetska


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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi @...

I suspect that the reason the Domain Mapping field no longer appears is that this was likely a field created by our Legacy Salesforce integration which is currently being deprecated. 

It should still be possible to map other fields to the Domains organization field

Hopefully that helps to explain why that field would be absent. If not, I recommend reaching out to our Support team as described in this article to discuss this further in a ticket/on a call/zoom meeting.


Thank you @... that explains it and I have created a custom field for mapping the domain names from salesforce to Zendesk.


From Configuring data sync from Salesforce to Zendesk

I think you need to add this:

To set streaming API channel permissions

  1. On the Salesforce Setup page, select Administration > Users > Profile.
  2. Select the user profile of the admin setting up the integration.
  3. Click Object Settings > Streaming Channels, and under Object Permissions, select the Read checkbox.



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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

HeyO Paul Rowe

I'm seeing something different in testing this in my account. I've created a user with the following permissions: full access to Push Topics but no access to Streaming Channels and connecting the integration with this user still allows all of its features to work just fine.  


I'm going to chat with our team about why that's present in the "Configuring Data Sync" documentation.... 

Thanks for the heads-up!


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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

Paul Rowe - I think we figured it out: that permission is required to RENEW the streaming connection (which requires renewal after a period of time depending on how long sessions live within SFDC). So my initial connection worked fine without it, but when it wen to renew, it no longer was able to sync. Thanks for bringing this up! I'm revising the article to include those now.


Thanks Dwight.  What you describe is what Adam and I were seeing as well.  It was driving me nutz that it worked 'for awhile.'   

It might be worth mentioning that Push topics are very legacy SFDC.  (You may know that already.).


PushTopic events is a legacy product. Salesforce no longer enhances PushTopic events with new features and provides limited support for this product. Instead of PushTopic events, consider using Change Data Capture events. To learn about Change Data Capture events, see the Change Data Capture Developer Guide and the Change Data Capture Basics Trailhead module.


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Dwight Bussman

Zendesk Customer Care

HeyO Paul Rowe

I wasn't aware about Push Topics being very legacy and appreciate you passing this along.

Full disclosure: I have no formal Salesforce training - it's all been on-the-fly teaching myself or having gracious customers like yourself help me to learn. 

I suspect our Developers are better informed than I am on such matters, but I'll make sure they have at least considered using the Change Data Capture events instead of Push Topics. Thx again!


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