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Can I customize the look of the satisfaction rating landing page?

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Stephen Fusco

Zendesk Digital Resources Team

Edited Jul 26, 2023




+ 1 on the request to customize satisfaction landing page without the need for a third party service. Providing the ability to customize this page helps ensure brand consistency throughout the end user experience. 


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Devan La Spisa

Zendesk Community Manager

Hello @...

Appreciate the feedback you shared with us. However, I'd recommend sharing your use case in our product feedback forums so our developers can consider implementing these changes to our product roadmap. 

Best regards. 


Hello, community! If you're interested in expanding your survey creation capabilities, you can try NPS and Survey app for Zendesk! The application automatically inserts placeholders and offers four survey types instead of "Good"/ "Bad". Also, you can customize the landing page.



Hi, we'd need help with the customer satisfaction rating page.

When a user rates a ticket assistance, whether it was good or bad, there's an "UPDATE" button, when this is clicked a message pops up saying that "Your rating has been saved...etc.." but the window is not closed or it does not redirect to a "Thank you" or similar page or message or redirection or whatever, for the user to know that the survey has come to end and it's been completed successfully. (see example screenshot below)

What I mean is that when a user is asked to rate and it clicks on the link which lands on this Good and Ban support rating page, and after the user has voted and left a comment, click the update button, nothing really happens, just a slightly visible message on the top, and the user can get confused not knowing if this is the end of the survey or is there more? Because the user has not been redirected to a different page to assure the user that he is successfully finished the rating and now he can close the window without problem. (as the majority of the ratings works in other places).



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Zendesk Engineering

Unfortunately, customizing the CSAT is not an option if you are using the in-house CSAT feature. You can try use your own tool or third party integration.


Dane, thank you! Allow me one more questions, since we here. When setting up the automation for the CSAT how can I configure in the way that the surveys are sent out only 1 a week? Because no one wants to harass them daily with satisfaction survey, which wouldn't bring back realistic results. Thanks in advance!


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Zendesk Engineering

This can give you an idea on how to do a similar workflow; Restricting Satisfaction Surveys by Date.


Dane, great! Thank you for all your help! 


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