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Customizing when your customer satisfaction (CSAT) survey is sent

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Jennifer Rowe

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 19, 2025




Is there a way to have the customer satisfaction rating included within a ticket when it is moved to solved?


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Heather Rommel

Zendesk LuminaryThe Product Manager Whisperer - 2021Community Moderator

Hi Felicia Reid,

Yes! Just add the placeholder into your Solved ticket trigger.  I recommend turning off the automation if you do that so the customer doesn't get asked twice...unless you want it that way :D

placeholder  {{satisfaction.rating_section}}​ 


Do anyone know the ideal dimensions for the emoticons? If we were going to use an image to rate satisfaction. 

Thank you!



Up to you, but I'd start with around 60x60 px. 👍


@... thank you!


@..., Is it possible for the customer satisfaction survey to be presented to the customer based on their language preference?


Hello TN,

Just forwarding the previous comment from Becca a couple of years ago:

"The Customer Satisfaction survey is fully internationalized so the survey section should be translated to match the language in the requester's user profile. If no language is set, it will be sent in your account's default language listed under Settings > Account > Localization. 

You can customize the content of the email message beyond the rating section i.e. Good, I'm Satisfied/Bad, I'm Unsatisfied (this part is automatically translated) using dynamic content. See Providing multiple language support with dynamic content (Professional and Enterprise). In general, you would create the translations of the email text for the survey in each language you'd like to support and then use the dynamic content placeholder in the body of the Satisfaction rating automation. 

This would then send satisfaction ratings emails based on the user's language set in their user profile. 

1: Create the dynamic content for each language 

2. Copy the generated placeholder: 

3. Replace the email message body content with the dynamic content placeholder 

[end of the comment]".

Hope that helps!


Hi Everyone,

I need urgent help with CSAT.

I have my own code of CSAT and I would like to implement that code to use my CSAT. I'm unable to find any option where I can put code and implement it. I put out code in the automation email body but getting error like "it should be less than 8192 bytes". I shorten my code but still getting the same error.


I asked multiple times to zendesk team about where I should put this code and how, If I'm doing something wrong, please point me in the right direction so that I can save my time.

You guys are proving an opportunity to customise CSAT but this way we can't implement anything.

If anyone can help me with this, will highlight appreciated it. 







@... I can help!

Put your customized CSAT code in a dynamic content snippet. Then reference the dynamic content placeholder in your automation. Dynamic content doesn't have the same byte limit that triggers and automations do. 



Hi Cory Brown

Thank you for your help.

I have added the same as you suggested but do I need to create automation or trigger settings for the same.



@... No, you don't need to create a new automation. Use the existing one you were trying to insert your CSAT survey in. 

Replace your CSAT code with the dynamic content placeholder. Something like {{dc.csat_survey}}



Thank you, Cory Brown 

But i have complete source code. Can I put the complete code under the dynamic content placeholder and then use that code to replace CSAT.

I added a screenshot of how I added code. Please correct me if I'm doing anything wrong.



@... Oh, that won't work. You can't use javascript in triggers or automations (email doesn't support javascript). 

You'll need to find a version that uses only HTML.


Thankyou @... That worked really well.


Hi Team

I am looking to elaborate on the CSAT survey 2 have 2 questions. On occasion, the agent managing the case will provide great service however the customers issue is surrounding the company or the policy. 

I would like to have 2 questions somewhat along the lines of:

1. Are you satisfied with the service provided by the case manager you were in contact with?

2. Are you satisfied by the outcome? OR Are you satisfied with the company?

Can anyone advise the best way to tackle this? 



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DJ Buenavista Jr.

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Jason,

Thank you for reaching out to Zendesk Support.

In regards to your concern, you can edit the email body of your CSAT automation from the Support page > under Business Rules, select Automation. Open Request customer satisfaction rating (System Automation).

From there, you can edit the email body and use the following placeholder provided in this article which is the, How would you rate the support you received?

You can copy the following URL into your browser to rate: after the question that you will have.

This will give the end-user a link to choose between Good, I'm satisfied, or Bad, I'm unsatisfied as shown in the example provided within this article.

Thank you!


DJ Buenavista Jr. |
Customer Advocacy Specialist |


Hi Zendesk Team,
My company has recently started using the Zendesk CSAT automation service and I've had a couple questions about its limitations. Is there a way that I could perhaps implement an program that prompts customers to rate their experience on a 10 point scale? Also, a majority of the feedback from our customers does not include a comment. Is there a way that we could perhaps find a way to require a comment to be made whilst answering the survey?


Hi Anthony –

Zendesk standardized on the simple Good/Bad survey to encourage more replies, and unfortunately there's not a way to require a comment. However, there are a some apps in our Apps Marketplace that will allow you to send surveys in different formats (such as a 10-point scale):


@... Along with the choices that Dave presented, Simplesat is another add-on option that allows you to set the follow-up question as required. 



I have more than one question about satisfaction survey:

1- Is  satisfaction survey sent to email address only or sent through twitter or Facebook DM if ticket requester opened ticket through them?

2- If it sent through twitter or Facebook DM, is link of survey redirect the requester to another page or the requester can rate in same page of DM?

Thank you in advance,


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Hesham,

Customer Satisfaction Survey is being sent via email only and it is technically not possible for Facebook or Twitter tickets to receive the survey email notification. It is also not possible for end-users to leave a satisfaction rating directly from Facebook or Twitter.

However, there are two alternatives that will allow the end-user to rate social media tickets:
1. Access Guide using their social media authentication, where they can rate their tickets from My Activities within Help Center.
2. Add the user's email address to the profile, so satisfaction surveys can be sent via email.

Check this article to learn more about Giving satisfaction rating via Facebook and Twitter

Hope this helps!


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Bobby Koch

Zendesk Luminary

Having some trouble with our custom CSAT HTML. 

The code looks good from an HTML validator, but when we plug it into our CSAT automation, when it hits the customer's inbox, there are like 10 line breaks randomly added at the very top. Any ideas on how to combat that?


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Erik Boudreault

Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Robert,
Thank you for raising this with the Zendesk Support Team.
We are unable to support assistance with custom HTML. However, if you want to send me your current HTML I can take a quick look and see if there is anything noticeable.


Bobby Koch @... Have you resolved this?

I'm having the same issue. I have valid HTML which renders properly when loaded as HTML file in a web browser. However, the email that is received by the customer has approximately 15 line breaks added at the top. When I put a line of text before the HTML I end up with 15 line breaks between that line of text and my HTML code.

This is very frustrating and until I can figure this out I will have to stick with the default CSAT survey email.


Try removing all spaces in the HTML, including line breaks. That has fixed the unwanted spacing issue for me in the past.


Cory Brown Thank you, that did the trick! I dunno if I ever would have thought of that. 🤦‍♂️

Also, for anyone in the future, I could be wrong but it seems like you can't apply CSS internally using <style> element in the <head> but rather can only apply inline CSS using <style> attribute inside HTML elements.

I could be wrong about that, I've gone through many iterations of this email while trying to solve for the spacing issue. It may be that only some of the internal CSS worked and some did not. I'm not an HTML/CSS expert (been a long time) but there do appear to be some unusual quirks to how CSS can be used in ZD emails.


Oh great! Glad you could get that sorted.

I’ve noticed that as well about CSS styling. Not all styles work. Really only the most basic ones do.

I’d be happy to take a deeper look at your html if you’d like. You can email me at


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Bobby Koch

Zendesk Luminary

Cory Brown you are a hero! 


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Bobby Koch

Zendesk Luminary

@... this is probably a bug on the html editor on the automations page, it shouldn't be adding line breaks like it is. 


FWIW it does the same thing with the line breaks when using HTML in an email notification sent from a trigger as well. I was using a trigger to push out the CSAT survey while I was iterating.

It's annoying to have to copy/paste the code into a web app to "beautify" the code when making big updates but I can live with it now that I know what's going on with this. If ZD isn't going to address this quirk they should update the article above to mention this.


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