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How can I export my help center content?

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Katie Dougherty

Zendesk Digital Resources Team

Edited Dec 19, 2022




Hi everybody,
I've been working on an app that allows you to export a list of all articles in Zendesk Guide. It also exports the broken links & images for each article.
It is available on Zendesk's apps marketplace.
Register and get your free help center export


Hey all, I'm looking to use this script with Single Sign On and have been encountering some trouble. I pulled an API token to use instead of a password, as I do not functionally have one and using what I saw in this article
But I am still prompted to enter a password. I assume this is just because of how the script is written but I am looking for advice on how to export my articles without a 3rd party app or paid service. Thanks!


What happened to the Knowledge Base to PDF app that used to allow the downloading of Zendesk guides to PDF format?


What happened to the Knowledge Base to PDF app that used to allow the downloading of Zendesk guides to PDF format?

I've been wondering the same thing. I emailed to ask what happened.


I used this tool to download our data very easily. after watching this video



We need to export roughly 10 articles for a client who cannot access our Zendesk Guide Knowledge Base. I'm considering two alternatives.

1.  I'm able to print to a PDF in Chrome. Does printing each individual article to a PDF seem viable? 

2. For the API, how would I install? How much work is involved to export all articles in a brand to a PDF or whatever?



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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Stephen,
The best option boils down to preference. If there are just a few articles, personally, I'll go with the PDF. If there's a few hundred and I have some knowledge on how to utilize API I'll go with that option. However, using API will only give you files in JSON format. You will then have to convert it to a human readable format or use third party applications to do the job for you. 


Thank you Diane. We ended up exporting to PDF. It was apx. 120 articles, but worth the effort. Have a good week.


Also used the tool shared by Leor above and it saved me hours of work today!
This is the tool:
video instructions:
You can open a free trial account that lasts for 2 weeks, then choose which elements you want to export from ZenDesk (can also export tickets, comments, etc). It saved me hours of work today!


The original post links to an article about exporting using the API and Python. Great. But it times out due to the API limits. When reading the article, it sounds like the code addresses this, but it doesn't. Does anyone know to address this flaw?


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hey Shawna,

You can avoid this by throttling your API calls to stay under rate limit errors. Please review this article for more information: Best practices for avoiding rate limiting




When we use the API to download articles from Help Center, the data in [body] is like 

<table style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 144.571%; height: 943px;" border="1">

How can we extract real articles without such marks?


Qin Brian The API returns the articles body in HTML format. You can use a programming language like Python to strip out the html tags.

Alternatively, you can check the Help Center Manager app. It has a free trial and you can export the text of articles in CSV, HTML or Word.


Hello all - is there a way to include the full *body* of a Community (Gather) threads and comments in an export? The reporting options I see seem to just show the topic/title. Thanks in advance for any insight!


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Beth,
This information isn't available in Explore currently so you'd need to use the Help Center API to export the body of the posts and comments. More information on our API here: Help Center API
Let us know if you have another questions!


Hey all
As mentioned by the ZD agent above, its easily possible through the API.

<subdomain> /api/v2/help_center/en-gb/articles?page[size]=50

Make sure to use page size appropriately, it only sends random 30 in a list, so I used 50 as I had 50 articles.

Once you get the JSON use an online JSON to Excel converter and download the file - voila! all problems solved!


I have been able to successfully use the Help Center API to export posts and comments, but I am not able to download user-loaded images this way. My requests are getting filtered by Cloudflare.

Is there a way to download images stored by the user_images endpoint? I do not want to use a scraper library to defeat cloudflare, since the images already 'belong' to us.


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Christine Diego

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Malcolm,
Unfortunately, we don’t have a simple straightforward way of migrating this information, we’d recommend using the Help Center API, more specifically the article attachments endpoints in your case to export them.
Regarding the user image, it seems that it is only available for create. The possible workaround that you can use to get the user uploaded image is via post comment which requires a lot of work because you need to get all the post ID and post comment ID. You can check this doc for details 


I have extended this code to also get all the article_attachments and then amend the HTML to include the locally downloaded location of the images to avoid images not rendering when behind authentication. This then means you can use a pdf tool to pdf the pages with images successfully. If anyone would like the code, please let me know.


How do I export a list of my articles? Specifically, I would like the export to include:

  1. The tags associated with each article
  2. The articles linked to each article
  3. A composite view of the articles

Thank you for your assistance!


Is there any update on a better way to export a article or even print it in a clean manner? 


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