Can I unsend an email in Zendesk?
No, it is not natively possible to delete a comment from a ticket or unsend an email from Zendesk. However, you can consider marking the comment as internal.
The Agent Workspace interface has a native ticket redaction feature which you can use to remove sensitive data from comments. For more information, see the article: Redacting ticket content.
Óskar Ómarsson
I need to second this, users can make mistakes and we may want to stop public comments with mistakes to be public replies, I know I have the option to make the comment internal, but that way it is unclear that this comment was previously a public comment, would be lovely if I could convert a comment to the third state, "redacted" or something like that, that would make the comment to function like internal comment but perhaps labeled differently and also coloured differently, perhaps red?
Andy Seaman
I second this request. As an administrator of Zendesk, we often test new features in Sandbox before rolling them out into prod. But we may also want to test these features in prod. It would be super useful to be able to remove or edit the internal notes. I would suggest that only an admin or someone with a manager level could do this.
Daniel Santana
Yeah, we as administrators should have access to remove, edit and delete comments. There are plenty of times where i mistype or incorrectly spell a word or even reply to the wrong ticket because i have so many windows open. It would be extremely helpful if we had those options. Internal notes are not always sufficient because in my company a lot of depts have admin rights, allowing them to view the internal notes.
Yeah, unfortunately I can already see us moving from Zendesk soon because of this restriction among the massive privacy-infringing ticket merge issues which remain unresolved & unprioritized.
Andy Seaman
I would understand if a copy of the deleted/edited note had to stay in the events though. That would make sense from an audit perspective. But the ability to remove it from the comment string is a big deal for sure.
Efrat Barak Zadok
I would like this feature as well as sometimes agents would like to re-edit their internal comment as their investigation is not completed.