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Can I enable Talk browser notifications for incoming calls?

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Don Moser

Zendesk Digital Resources Team

Edited Mar 11, 2024




Is there any way to enable notifications at a computer level so that they will ring outside of an agent's headset? On occasions, an agent will step away from their desk while still "Online" and if they do not have their headset on, they do not hear the call come in.


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Christopher,
This is not something available in Zendesk Talk at this time, but we've received a lot of feedback about implementing this feature, the latest update from our Product Manager can be found here. We're not able to confirm any specific timeline for now but our Product team is considering this for roadmap planning as mentioned in the comment.

If you have some time, I highly suggest that you also upvote this feature request and leave a comment on the thread with your use case. We appreciate your input!


The browsers notifications it not triggering, what could be the reason behind? 


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