Can I send a different response to a customer based on their email address?
Yes. To send a different response to a customer based on their email address, create a user tag for a single user or group of users. Then create a trigger that has the user tag as a condition to send the alternative response associated with the user tag.
For more information on how to create user tags and triggers, see the articles: Adding tags to users and organizations and Creating triggers for automatic ticket updates and notifications.
Nikki Mier
Hi! Need further help with this. the links in the answer are not working! :(
I would like to create a tag for all tickets received from a specific email address (our noreply@) -and cannot figure out how to set the requester to someone other than our agents.
Anyone's help would be appreciated!
Noly Maron Unson
Hi Nikki,
Sorry about those links. I flagged this article so that the link can be fixed. The following are the correct links for this article:
Adding tags to users and organizations
Creating triggers for automatic ticket updates and notifications
You're correct that you cannot target a specific email address/end-user using the Ticket: Requester condition.
Basically, this article is telling you to add a User tag to the profile of your target requester.
This user tag will then apply to tickets wherein this user is the requester. Then use the tag as a condition for your trigger.
Hope this helps.