How can I bulk upload users and specify custom roles through a CSV file?
When creating a CSV (comma separated values) file to bulk-upload users into your account, you have the ability to specify custom roles in the CSV.
To specify custom roles in a CSV file
- Create an Excel or Google Sheets document using UFT-8 character encoding, with the first row containing at least the following headers: Name, Email, Role, Restriction.
- Fill out the document with all of the users you want to import/update.
- Under the Restriction column, if there is a custom role you'd like to specify, identify the role. For example, to import light agents, import them as 'Agent' under Role and 'Light Agent' under Restrictions.
- Once the file is complete, export your document in CSV format.
To import the file into your account, follow the steps outlined in the article: Bulk importing users.