Web Widget (Classic & Messaging)
- [Messaging] Unread messages indicator isn't displaying correctly when positioned left
- [Messaging] Add valid label for form fields for a11y
Zendesk Mobile
Zendesk iOS SDK: 2.4.1
- Timestamp divider and grouping of messages on the conversation screen
- Support for increased number of items in the dropdown in a future release
- Bug fix for conversation retry screen not shown when user is offline
Zendesk Android SDK: 2.4.0
- Timestamp divider and grouping of messages on the conversation screen
- Improved handling of denial of permissions
- Support for increased number of items in the dropdown in a future release
- Bug fix for the text composer not being re-enabled when new messages are received
Zendesk Support Android app 2.22.0
- Bug fixes and enhancements
App Marketplace Updates
(Support) indicates the app is available for Zendesk Support.
(Chat) indicates the app is available for Zendesk Chat.
(Sell) indicates the app is available for Zendesk Sell
(Theme) indicates the theme is available for Zendesk Guide
(SunCo) indicates a new app is available for Sunshine Conversations
- LeadDesk Talk (Support)
- LeadDesk Talk combines high-quality VoIP calling and answering with Zendesk Support. Make and receive support calls directly in Zendesk with LeadDesk Talk, send SMS follow-ups with additional support messages, choose from pre-made templates or write a custom message to customers. Calls open new tickets and messages are recorded as notes in that ticket.
- Bloom (Theme)
- Bloom is clear and simple to you and your customers. The theme can be adjusted to your brand with just a few clicks and your customers can find all information in one place. The theme is designed to fit perfectly on any kind of screen, this way your customer can find all important information on their laptop, tablet or smartphone.
- piSolve (Support)
- piSolve simplifies and streamlines workflows by automating the most common transactions in your inbox. The app comes in-built with categorization for transactions and its self-learning algorithms learn as you use the application to augment your customer service capabilities. piSolve is a cognitive case management tool built on top of the piStack automation platform from AutomataPi Solutions. The solution comes in-built with edge analytics, a full featured business process engine and integration layer to connect easily with other applications.
Support Product Updates
- We’ve launched functionality for Zendesk Support Apps to send messages to end-users on behalf of agents through Zendesk Messaging and Social Messaging channels (through Sunshine Conversations) in Agent Workspace. Previously, this API only worked for chat. Developer documentation lives here.
- We’ve made browser page titles for Zendesk Support pages more specific to reflect the content of the page for better navigability. Announcement article and more details here.
Zendesk Chat & Messaging
- [Dashboard] Truncated OAuth secret has been increase to 8 characters instead of 7
- [Phase 0-4 Migration] Improved subdomain validation when picking a subdomain for the account
CJ Johnson
"Developer documentation lives here." I think a link is missing from this?
Вячеслав Скорбеж
+1 Where's a link? 😊
Devan La Spisa
Hello Вячеслав Скорбеж & CJ Johnson,
Appreciate letting us know that this link is missing. We'll get this fixed asap and notify you when this has been resolved.
Akahsha Edwards
Hi Вячеслав Скорбеж & CJ Johnson confirming the link has been updated, thanks for flagging.