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Ticket Forms and Talk
Posted Aug 27, 2021
We have 2 brands, and each brand has their own form. Both brands use Talk and each brand has their own phone number. One of the two brands is not yet live so I am trying to get the following question answered before it does:
When a call comes into a certain Talk phone number how does Talk/Support decide which ticket form it will use?
I've asked this question of Support and rather than a straightforward answer I was sent a bunch of article links. I know that I have plenty to set up for the new brand before it goes live and I've been all through the articles. Unfortunately, I don't seem to see anywhere the describes precisely how I can ensure the correct form is opened when new tickets are created by Talk for the new brand.
I must just be missing something so any guidance would be extremely helpful.
1 comment
Brandon Tidd
Hey there @... -
Thanks for chatting in! This can be configured via Triggers, with the following conditions:
Ticket is Created
Brand is X
Channel is Phone Call (Incoming)
Channel is Phone Call (Outgoing)
Channel is Voicemail
Form Is X
Hope this helps!
Brandon Tidd
729 Solutions