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Feature request: Sound notification for social messaging integration in the Agent Workspace
Posted Mar 04, 2021
I think it would be really useful to have a sound notification when a new chat comes in the agent workspace from social messaging.
Similar to what happens when chats from the web widget come in.
This would help to make sure that not chats are missed.
Dan Ross
As much as I hated the default 'uh oh!' sound Chat made when a message came in, I agree with Daphne.
Some kind of configurable audio event when a new chat is being served to the agent would be helpful in reducing missed chats
Maybe let an admin set the default sound for agents, pretty please?
Prakruti Hindia
Hello there,
If you are using Social Messaging on Agent Workspace, the agents do receive an incoming conversation sound notification.
The settings for sound notifications can be managed by each agent from Chat > Settings > Personal > Sounds and Notifications. There are other audio options which agents can select from the dropdown.
Daphne Camilleri
Hi Prakruti,
Thanks for your comment.
Is this only for chat, or does it apply to Social Messaging chats as well?
Prakruti Hindia
It applies to social messaging conversations too. However, this experience is available only for accounts with -
Daphne Camilleri
Hi Prakrutl,
We have followed the above steps, however it is still not working for us. We only get notifications for chats coming in from the web widget, not from social messaging.
I'm not sure if we're missing something?