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Access additional requester organization information in ticket

Posted Feb 18, 2021

We have many users who have multiple memberships. For each membership we create an organization in zendesk. Users don't necessarily know which organization to select if we made this field available, and we also need the ability for non-users to submit tickets without organization. 

When we have anew ticket from a user, we would love to be able to pull in every organization they're part of in Zendesk to an internal note. That way we could start our troubleshooting knowing that this user has multiple memberships. 

Right now {{ticket.requester.organization}} only pulls the first organization attached to the user, when I would need it to pull every organization. 

Ideally the output of the following would be "organization 1, organization 2, organization 3" if the users had 3 organizations on their user record.

{% for organization in ticket.requester.organization %}


{% endfor %}

Does anyone have a workaround for this or a way to identify the existence of multiple memberships attached to a ticket requester? 




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James Hanley

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey Katharine,

James here from the Zendesk Product team.

There is nothing out of the box that supports this today, and I'm not familiar with any marketplace apps that do this. However, I believe you could either;

  1. Manually add a tag to a user for every Org they are a member of. This will exposes orgs as tags onto the ticket. Please note however that this has the potential to get out of sync if org memberships change and an agent forgets to update the user tags.
  2. Build a private app that looks up and presents the requester's Org Memberships from the API

Org memberships is an area of the product we're interested in improving, so I'm wondering if you could add some more detail about your ultimate goal here - Are you simply looking to arm your agents with more information? Or is there a workflow or business process you're looking to improve?



Hi James,

We have a few different reasons we'd like to access this info in the ticket today, but ultimately having the org information in the ticket would help us build new workflows in the future. For example, if a user has both a personal account and an enterprise membership with us, any ticket they submit should be treated with enterprise-level SLAs since we do not require them to log in to submit a ticket.  

We'd also like to arm our agents with as much info as possible, and currently have a macro that pulls the primary org information onto the ticket for them, using Liquid to help direct them identify membership end dates and the like. 


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James Hanley

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey Katharine,

Thanks very much for the detailed explanation, what you have described is exactly the sort of thing we're investigating.

Right now, I think the solution you have in place is a good option. To achieve what you really want however, I think you will need to build something custom using our platform that adds the org memberships to the ticket as tags when it is created.



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