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Customizing Home Dashboard


Posted Oct 12, 2021


I've been trying to customize the Home Dashboard but from my understanding this is not possible on Zendesk Support

I am referring to this view (see screenshot below yo avoid confusion):

Currently, I think this view doesn't bring/add any value to our work so I was wondering whether a customization (at admin level) of shown data and stats could improve what I can see.

I work as an admin on the Support app, which means I don't directly manage or reply tickets but I overview the work of the team and organize/optmize the agent workflow. It would be helpful to have an overview of the team agents instead of my statistics, which will be always zero since I don't work on tickets.

Aside on an old thread, I cannot find any resource on this particular topic and I am wondering if customizing for admin is possible (even in the future if this is a planned to release feature).






I agree - Home Dashboard has created more issues than help for our teams. We use Views by default. We have many agents who go to the Home view and work tickets that they should not have access to (assigned to another brand or group that the user is not part of). When a user is working a ticket that is not part of their group, it can create several additional issues due to incorrect responses due to lack of training / understanding on the issue. While we do train them not to use this view at all, some do come across it and work tickets before realizing the issue. 

The Dashboard does have some usability, but should only show the user tickets that are assigned to them, their group, or have them as a CC or requestor. Any ticket that is otherwise not associated to the user should not appear in this view. 

Showing the updates on tickets they are part of, but not assigned (such as the requestor or being CC'd) is the most useful feature as we do not use email updates due to there being too many to manage. 


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Zac Garcia

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Mindy B - thank you for this feedback on the Dashboard. If you're using Agent Workspace, and not using Zendesk Chat or Zendesk Talk, please consider giving the new Agent Home a try! (Support for the Talk and Chat channels are coming soon). As one of its many benefits, Agent Home shows only the tickets assigned to your agents, helping them stay focused throughout the day.


This dashboard definitely needs to be editable. I have a bump/bump/solve flow along with CSAT, which means that most of our reviewed conversations don't appear on this dashboard (Good/Bad/Solved).  The logic is that the ticket is created within that week when it should be changed to when a ticket is reviewed that week. 



We used the dashboard to track the tickets assigned to our support group. 
We don't assign tickets to the agents; we work collaboratively on them. 
And now our dashboards are empty and useless

And you “hope this makes Agent Home more useful” 


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