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SMIME certificate verification
Posted Oct 10, 2021
Feature Request Summary:
We would like to request verification of secure email certificates such as especially SMIME and the likes in Zendesk Support.
Description/Use Cases:
Currently, Zendesk Support is not verifying the end user sending a with a e.g. SMIME certificate. Zendesk Support simply adds the certificate as an attachment to the ticket.
In these days emails are to be more and more secure, and e.g. in Denmark, many institutions and companies already have well-implemented email setups that are secure. There should be no doubt this is the future in the rest of the world as well.
Having a platform that does not handle these certifications properly is critical to one's business.
In many service agreements nowadays, one is obliged to ensure that the communications between companies are verified, and one can be sure that the one currently writing, is actually the one writing - and not having something in Zendesk to do this verification is forcing the Zendesk user to somehow verify the certificate somewhere/somehow outside of Zendesk.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
Forcing agents to verify the requester by downloading certificates and verify in a home build/third-party tool is a waste of time.
I must admit I am not an expert on this - but not seeing a complete "not gonna happen" answer and being advised by Support employees to post this, I will.
Other necessary information or resources:
I'm aware this has been asked before, but I couldn't find any product feedback post regarding this - so here we go.