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Triggers in Support - trigger to fire 1 week before due date

Posted Sep 01, 2021

there is no trigger condition that will identify for the trigger to fire 1 week before the expiry of the remainder ticket field. 

I have set the remainder date in client record as 23 mar 2022, I would like to fire an email one week before 23 Mar 2022 using triggers, but current options are not available 

Sample want to greet my client on birthday wises, need to fire email on B Day  




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Community Moderator

Hi Shiva Sesham,

You can set up an automation to achieve this.

Automation conditions ALL

Ticket Status is less than solved

Ticket: Your Date Field is within the next 7 days

Tags contains none of the following: reminder_sent


Perform these actions!

What you have listed above.

Add tags: reminder_sent


Thank you McCabe Tonna

for comments and feebback 

I am looking for triggers based used profiles and not on tickets 

Can you please assist me. how to set an email based on user profile, that user profile as Birthday Field, I would like to sent email on same day or one week before 

 Thank you for your help 


Kind Regards 



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Community Moderator


So triggers and automations both work off of tickets and ticket events.

Ill ping the team see if anyone else has any ideas.


Thank you McCabe, it is working on end user profiles too which is user fields  

Kind Regards 


Hi McCabe 

My triggers are working fine, however Date of Birth for Birth Day wishes to my clients is not working  the reason behind is, condition will not meet at any time, 

triggering within one day or 7 days, will not happen as year is past year, day and month can be met, eg 1 Jan 2000 is birthday and trigger on 1 Jan 2022  is not possible with current conditions as above

I can set Birthday to 1 Jan 2022 to trigger but, I looking for way around..

Any help is much appreciated 

Kind Regards 



How to trigger, recurring SMS/email for Birthday Wishes in Support in following pattern  


Hi Shivaram,
You're correct that some user fields are accessible vie Automations, but only in the context of requesters of non-Closed tickets. Automations are checking all non-Closed tickets, and then seeing if the specified conditions match what's in each ticket. Those conditions can include information about the ticket's requester (in the form of user fields).
But Automations do not check against every user in the system, so they're not going to be useful for sending birthday greeting messages, unless you create tickets for every user specifically for this purpose, and keep them open. But that may end up being confusing to your customers. My suggestion is that Zendesk Support is not going to be the best system for this. 


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