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Request for New Placeholder: Latest Updater Type (Agent/End User)

Posted Aug 23, 2021

The views we have setup in the Zen Desk web interface include a column named "Updater" which is defined in the views setup screen as "Latest Updater Type (Agent/End User)", and this is a very helpful field for recognizing if a customer has just updated a ticket.

We also use an extension URL that fires a message to our company server whenever a ticket gets updated.   However, in the placeholders available for the URL, there is no placeholder for this field.   Can I request that this field be added as a placeholder so it can be used in messages sent to external servers via extensions using URL targets?

For example, today we use a URL like this:

It would be useful to have something available like {{ticket.latest_updater_type}}





Thanks for your feedback – for visibility, I've moved your post to our Feedback on Support topic.


I am also looking for this functionality. We want to specify updates by End Users so if the update is by not just the requester but a CC or an Organization Follower, that would also count towards the update but would not take into account Agent Updates.


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