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Allowing third parties to participate in tickets.
Posted Jun 28, 2021
Hope who ever picks this up has access to the support tickets.
This post is made to follow up after this ticket:
Long story short, we need to be able to control if third parties can reply to tickets publicly or not.
Use case:
- Customer has on going ticket with us via email
- At some point in time the customer forwards his email to third-party (spouse, friend, college, manager, partner, lawyer, you get the picture).
- Third-party replies to the ticket (sending the reply to his friend and us)
- That message is now stuck as an internal comment.
- We have discontinuity in our communications.
- This can result in unnecessary complications, friction, not having the whole history of communications.
- Impact can be very bad for our business.
We are aware of that if the third-party is included on our end or if the customer includes the third party in a reply to us this won't be the result.
The problem is that we have no way to know before hand who the third party is and customer sometimes forward leaving us out of the loop before coming back to us.
I would call this a bug as:
- I am very surprised by this behaviour
- We don't have any control of this behaviour
- This is quite different to how normal email communcations works
- This is a well known user behaviour for email communications
- And uncovering this in the evaluation process of Zendesk is quite unlikely, I would suspect at least
Best regards
Oskar Omarsson