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View Support Portal as Agent Roles, Groups
Posted May 27, 2021
I'd love to be able to select a role and set of groups, and see what the support portal looks like for someone with those permissions. This is especially helpful for large, global companies, where I can't walk over and ask to see what they are seeing, and when agents are in restricted environments and may not be able to screen share or take screenshots. It's incredibly difficult to tell what views a user with 3+ groups will see and in what order, otherwise. This would also help check and troubleshoot missing things like sidebar extensions, and apps.
Alina Wright
Hi CJ! Thank you so much for providing the feedback around permissions. Great timing as we're focusing on the permissions space and increasing visibility. It's not something concretely on the roadmap (yet!) but we're working towards it with feedback like this. Appreciate you taking the time to share with us!
Vana Sprott
This post was 3 months ago. I was wondering if this feature is already in place and available?
Sara Ledger
+1 on this. Would be incredibly beneficial to have something similar to assume identity but maybe an assume role so Admins can check the configurations we're working on from that view without creating additional users in the environment.