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CC in Tickets

Posted Apr 19, 2021

Hi there,

Noticed that when requesters add anyone else in the addressee or CC in their email, we don't see that in tickets.

It would be nice to see who else is in the recipient list before we reply.





My organization has setup an internal note that is created by a trigger that includes all of the information we do not immediately get on ticket creation, specifically, CCs on the ticket and such. 

I am working on a User Tip to outline how we have done so. It will be listed here when it is completed.

Sidenote: Users should be able to see if there is a CC when going to make a public comment. I know that doesn't make up for other situations but it helps in some of ours. 

Now that I think about it. It may be possible to create a field that would be filled in with the ticket CCs on every ticket update. That way it would always be visible. I may create that at some point in the future. 


Hey Alejandro, I'm also interested in this. I understand you don't have time to do elaborate write-ups for everything, but maybe you could drop a few hints and I try to figure out the rest myself?


I deeply want this as well. We send a lot of outbound emails, and when you hide the CC'd address, when people reply, it makes it tougher for the agent to figure out who is replying. 


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