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How can I split a ticket natively?

Posted Feb 22, 2021

Hello, I would like to know how to split tickets natively in Zendesk. We have used te Split n Close third part app, but now it's limited its features to premium users, meaning that we would have to pay $3.00 per month per agent just to keep splitting tickets.

I consider that this is a basic feature (others cheaper helpdesks have it built in) and ZD must have a solution for its clients.





Hi Joao,

Splitting tickets is not supported natively in Zendesk. The app Split n Close that you've found is usually the one we would recommend you to use.

Hope that stills helps!


Hi Maude,

Not to be too bold on a Sunday morning, as you are here to help us out, but Joao was actually asking *why* Zendesk is not supporting this basic feature natively?

And actually, what at least I am looking for, is a feature to fork or split the tickets from the start. Because yes, it happens that end clients ask a new question after their initial issue had been solved. But they also often report unrelated issues in their initial ticket and to be able to fork these at that moment into not one but multiple tickets, that would help and, and I might not have checked their website too carefully, that is not what this app seems to be able to do. 

Have a wonderful Sunday and thanks in advance! ☺ 



Count me in on the "why isn't this already baked in?" crowd.


For us the Side conversation Child Tickets could be an option for that. But right now some Features are still missing for us to use this. I added a comment to the Announcement article right here if you want to give this some votes:


Does the article still exist? It says that I'm not authorized to access the page even though I'm signed in as a user. I was going to add my vote but no luck there.


Hi Alan,

The side conversations announcement article is the Fabio refers so has been archived -- we generally do that to announcements articles once a feature has been released for a while. Adding your use case and upvoting this thread is your best course of action to add visibility to our product team on this request. Thanks!


This feature would definitely be useful to have in Zendesk natively. It would help with features like Explore and reports as well. I often encounter users that keep using the same ticket, so instead of 2 or 3 one-touch tickets, now we have a longer ticket. And if users have multiple queries in same ticket, it's easy to skip/forget one of them that is still open if the ticket is being updated with other queries/responses.


We need this feature!  Upvote to have incorporated.




100% upvoted !!


This would help us tremendously as well.  Upvoted!


100% Upvoted, this will helps us to have everything more organized.


Yes please, we do need this - especially for a system we're paying quite a lot of money for. It is very frequent that situations occur where we would want to do this and logging new tickets manually is cumbersome and inefficient.


100% agree this should be a built-in feature. It is very cumbersome to use workarounds. Ever trying to make our workflow easier... Please, zendesk, this feature would be invaluable.


+1 upvote.   This is definitely a feature we would use.


Upvoting the request to split/fork tickets


would help us too.  Often getting one customer emailing us about multiple properties and we then need to manually create a second ticket to keep each individual property tracked and reported on for our KPI's.  +1 upvote.


This is another function that comes standard with other ticketing systems, but Zendesk pushing an API.


Checking in a year later to say this is still a feature that I'm flabbergasted to discover doesn't already exist. Even Jira (AKA the worst helpdesk platform in existence) could do it, so this is a pretty glaring omission.


I am a bit disappointed to find out it is not supported native too. Please add this feature!


+1 for this to be a native feature, its needed as end users often reply to existing tickets about separate issues where as each issue requires a ticket.


This is basic functionality that is necessary for proper ticket handling. Split n Close app only functions properly if you adopt the paid version and paying $3/user/month is absolutely ludicrous. 
How can we upvote this a million times?  Zendesk are you listening? 



Ronit Gieske unfortunatly I have also had the feeling that Zendesk aren't listening to upvoting and comments on here and other topics.  As have many others and some topics, years after having been posted and upvoted 100s of times is still not developed in to ZD Suite.  It is why we as well as others are considering other help desk platforms if not have moved already.

Maybe ZD will see this and help us. 

Sorry Zendesk but had to.  Rant Over.

Look forward to your help.


We also often have the problem that our customers use the same email instead of writing a new one. Unfortunately, education is not possible, we have tried that for years. ;)
It would be a huge help for us if Zendesk implements a feature to split these tickets again. With more than 100 users, 3$ per user/month for Split 'n' Close is not an option for us.

Therefore, I agree with the previous speakers and kindly ask Zendesk to take note and implement it.

Have a nice weekend in advance.


Upvoting this. It's quite bizarre that such a basic functionality is not available natively.

I hope the Zendesk team understand that Support is not only about solving issues. We need to document it properly and measure each incoming ticket with relevant timestamps and metrics.


Still can't believe this isn't natively available.


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Shawna James

Community Product Feedback Specialist

Hey everyone, thank you for taking the time to provide us with this product feedback. We apologize for the delay on our end in providing you with a response to the feature request.


I work in managing our customer product feedback forums and have been in communication with the product team that owns this area. They noted the following: this is a great feature request and we have added it to the backlog for future consideration. This means that we will think about adding it as a priority later in our planning cycle. We are going to leave this post open for comment to allow others to provide their feedback and use cases, however please note as is stated in our Community Guidelines that we can not commit to prioritizing any one piece of feedback we receive in the community. 


If you are interested in learning more about this and other features being built please make sure to check out and follow our Community eventsWhat’s New Community Topic, and Zendesk Updates. Again, we apologize for our delay and appreciate you being a valuable Zendesk Community member.


Thank you again for your feedback and for being a valuable customer with Zendesk.


Thanks for your input and help Shawna James .  Appreciate the time taken to read our comments and help on some of the needed developments in Zendesk.


For anyone still looking for something to help with splitting tickets we've found the following apps from Zendesk Marketplace work well for us and may answer others needs.  The apps are free to install and use too.


Clone Ticket -

Split N Close -


For us, these solve the challenge and are neat apps.  I definitely feel there are other development needs that should be considered much more urgent and important than this “split a ticket natively” request.


Hi All, I realise that most of you are requesting that the splitting or forking of tickets be offered natively by Zendesk.  If,  however you need this functionality more urgently and are open to a paid solution, our Escalator app for Zendesk provides these features and much more.  We do offer discounts for customers with large agent numbers. Find out more here


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Shawna James

Community Product Feedback Specialist

Thank you Mark for this callout. I want to note for customers interested, the link provided is safe to click. Thanks all!


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