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Date and Times shown in tickets

Posted Jan 26, 2021


I wish that every date/time entry for any comment in a ticket had ALL of the following: date, time, and day of the week. Right now, if a ticket's last update was within a week of the current day, it just shows day and time, but no date. If it's older than a week, it shows only date and time, but no day.

Can we have all three, please? Or at the very least, to always show the date?



Ableton Support



1 comment

I agree.  When we reference previous comments in a ticket and we do not have the date to indicate which comment we are quoting.  We just have the day of the week which goes away after the ticket ages for a week.  This makes it unnecessarily cumbersome to document. If we at least always had the date that would be great. 


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