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Customer can't find certain tickets belonging to his organization
Posted Jul 19, 2021
I have a question concerning one of our customers. This customer says he can't find certain tickets belonging to the organization he works for. I checked his account to see if he has access to view his company's tickets. He has the sufficient rights to view them, even when they aren't assigned to his personal account. Yet these three specific tickets aren't displayed in his list of tickets belonging to his organization. The same thing happened when I linked my test account to this organization: I wasn't able to find these tickets either. Yet, when I as admin look for the tickets myself, I can find them. So they are out there.
I was wondering what might be the cause that he can't seem to find these particular tickets. All three tickets concerned are resolved/closed. Yet he can find and view other closed and archived tickets of his organization.
I hope you could answer this question for me. Thank you in advance.
Kind regards,
Ifra Saqlain
Hi Sanne W, I think these links give you some solution:
Heather Rommel
Hi Sanne,
Ifra added some great links for you! I was just dropping in here to ask maybe your customer can send a screenshot of what he is seeing? I'm thinking maybe he's looking at Requests he's CC'd on but not the Org requests?
Also of note, if he belongs to more than one organization, the dropdown might be helpful.
Lastly, if the tickets are mapped to a different Organization, he won't see them here if he's not a CC or the Requester as you probably know.
Ifra Saqlain
Thanks Heather for describing in more detail :), hope Sanne can shout out the error now.
Sanne van der Wal
Hi Ifra and Heather,
(This is in Dutch :D)
Thank you for your response. I checked some settings after reading your comments.
The customer belongs to one organization. The tickets he is missing belong to that same organization, so that seems to be okay.
Therefore I used a test account to see what he is seeing and linked this account to the same organization. My test account also couldn't find the tickets the customer mentioned.
I might have found the cause why he can't find these particular tickets, but I would like your confirmation that my assumption is correct.
I noticed that the tickets he can't seem to find are marked as Closed. When I try to filter through certain tickets on my test account, I can only choose to see Everything, Open, Waiting on the customer's response and Solved:
Am I correct to assume the customer can't look up Closed tickets after a ticket went from Solved to Closed? Or perhaps only after the Closed ticket moves to an archived state after a certain amount of days as is stated here: ?
Thanks for your help in advance!
Ifra Saqlain
Hi Sanne, I found something for you:
Try this instructions.
Sanne van der Wal
Thanks for your help. I think I know what to do now.
Have a pleasant day!
- Sanne