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Unknown Error During Log-In
Posted Jun 23, 2021
While logging in, I receive an unknown error that's not related to my username or password. When this happens, the only way to log in is to have an Admin on our account send me a reset link.
When I receive the reset link, my account will then work for as long as I keep the Zendesk window open. Once I close my browser, I will again be unable to log in until the Admin sends me a reset link.
Please advise.
Ifra Saqlain
Hey, I think it's not a bug, it's the security setting of your account owner and your account owner can change this setting for you then you can simply log-in to your account. And while logging in, you will have an option 'remember password' something like this, you need to check that option and log in to the account.
Alec Rogers
@... Can you elaborate on this? Our account owner has tried to make my log in work but it still doesn't. This is also an issue that only affects my accounts; others in the organization are able to log in successfully.
Ifra Saqlain
Okay, once try this,
Your account owner will remove you from the account as an agent if you are an agent.
And add again as an agent.
You need to login account.
Check your email ID and click the that link which you have been get.
And set the password , enter into the account & let me know if this work or not.
I know it's view permission setting by the account owner.
Are your account owner using 2-factor authentication?