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zendesk>Surpport>get auditLog failed with 403 forbiden
Posted Apr 27, 2021
I am trying to get the audit log with the support API /api/v2/audit_logs, but I failed with the below error msg:
"error": {
"title": "Forbidden",
"message": "You do not have access to this page. Please contact the account owner of this help desk for further help."
I just double checked, my plan is support enterprise trial, and I am the owner of the domain. Could anyone help to trouble shoot why I can't get the audit logs successfully? Thanks very much.

1 comment
Cheeny Aban
Hi Michelle,
How are you doing the authentication of your API request? If you haven't checked yet, I highly suggest that you visit How can I authenticate API requests? for the complete API authentication options that we have.
All the best