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Web Widget: Overwrite the users url
Posted Jan 18, 2021
We are utilizing the web widget on our internal site, and are having security issues with the users URL being included on the bottom of the created tickets. We incorporated the updatePath javascript as shown below, beneath our ze-snippet; however, the full URL is still being added to our tickets.
Does the updatePath code need to be put somewhere else too?
The widget works very well otherwise, we just can't have the full URL be present on the created tickets.
<script id="WIDGET URL"> </script>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.zESettings = {
webWidget: {
position: { horizontal: 'left', vertical: 'top' },
contactForm: {
fields: [
{ id: 'name', prefill: { '*': 'test' }},
{ id: 'email', prefill: { '*': '' }},
zE('webWidget', 'updatePath', {
title: 'CAMP',
url: ''
Phil Stewart
Interesting, thank you for that information Thomas. Since it's a command of the widgets Core API I would thought it would affect the source for tickets created via the Widget in Support as well.
To be clear I'm referring to the "Submitted from:" link that is automatically added to the ticket description when a Support ticket is created via Widget. Are you aware of a way to change or hide this link?
Romain Lebossé
Hi there,
I am facing the same need as Phil.
Maybe this feature has been implemented since ? Or is it still on a wishlist ?
Thanks a lot,