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feature request: cc function on side conversations


Posted Sep 16, 2020

We need to use cc in sideconversation to make clear who need to anser the mail.
Would you mind if you add cc function request on sideconversation?





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Toby Sterrett

Zendesk Product Manager

If you'd like to test the CC/BCC functionality for email side conversations, please sign up here and we can activate it for your account.


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Thanks for sharing your feedback! We will continue to collect votes and additional details from users in order to understand how many people need this.

I hope you don't mind, I edited your title slightly so it will show up better in search.


How do I vote for this essential feature that my agents also need ?


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Devan La Spisa

Zendesk Community Manager

Hello @...,

Each community topic will have a button at the top of each posting, allowing you to vote up or down. This will let us know your general option on a feedback post, and I would recommend sharing why this feature would help your needs. This allows us to gain a broader understanding of why others might need the feature. 

Best regards. 


This would be very helpful for our business as well.

The use case is that we are using Side Conversation emails to connect with our external customers and including the internal customer (original requestor) as a CC on the email.

The goal is to make it easier for the parties to see to whom the communication is really directed and whom may be receiving more FYI communication.

This functionality is used by all teams within our business.



This would be also very helpful for our business.

The use case is that when we need to send a message directly TO a customer for action and CC the vendor for the information.

This would make easier for the parties to see to whom the communication is really directed and whom may be receiving more FYI communication.


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Toby Sterrett

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi everyone, thanks for the great feedback and examples of how CCs would be useful for side conversations! We are exploring an approach for adding the capability to explicitly CC recipients to the underlying side conversations service, and then we'll have to work on implementing it in the API and UI. We have a pretty good idea of how we think it could work. We want to make sure that the underlying approach is flexible and offers other possibilities, such as BCCs or other types of things that may come in the future for other communication channels. We don't have an exact target date just yet as we're still investigating the underlying engineering, but it's definitely on our radar.


looking forward to this option in the hopefully near future


 We just recently activated side conversations and due to the fact that we cannot CC folks on emails originated from side conversations we are contemplating turning it back off.  We were excited to start using side conversations but with this limitation, it's a game breaker, unfortunately.


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Toby Sterrett

Zendesk Product Manager

We're making good progress on getting this built out. I've taken note of the folks in this thread to notify when we have something to try out.


We lately started with Zendesk and I am very disappointed.
Putting somebody on CC on an email is a very basic and highly needed function - whether you call it side conversation,  side ticket, etc. 

A "Must have"!

Please ZD, make it happen!


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Toby Sterrett

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi all, wanted to update you that explicit CC (and BCC) will be in beta soon. I'll post a link here to try it out when that's ready to go.


Hi Toby,

Do we have any update on CC in side conversation email. This will be very helpful for our business.

Thank you!


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