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Selection of Epic and other fields when creating Jira issues

Posted Jun 24, 2020


when creating a Jira ticket from Zendesk using the according plugin provided by Zendesk I can set a couple Jira specific ticket fields, such as e.g. project, issue type, assignee as well as some custom fields.

However, the Configure Fields button only reveals a few Jira system and custom fields, but not all of them. 

I'm specifically interested in adding the Epic Link system field to the form. The use case is that I open a Jira issue which represents a user story in terms of a user requirement. A story always belongs to an epic. If I cannot select the Epic, someone has to go to Jira and add it manually. That’s additional overhead which we would like to avoid.

According to Zendesk Support this is not possible, hence the feature request.





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David Gillespie

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi @...,

Thank you for your feedback!

I've noted this feature request down and will let you know if we plan to bring it into the integration.




Would be great if we could have the option to add "Epic link" Jira field to the Jira ticket creation widget in Zendesk since we have customer issues divided into 5 types (payments, work of the website, issue with the product etc) and this would help us a lot. Please, consider adding selection of Epic to the Jira ticket in Zendesk


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David Gillespie

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi @...,

Thanks for your feedback!

Will let you know if we bring this feature in for development.




Hi @...,

Our company is very interested to know the timeline of this item. Epic Link is part of validation in our JIRA and without access to this field in Zendesk, our workflow is broken since we can not fully utilize the integration.

Is there any information if this feature is on as a roadmap feature/enhancement?

Thank you,




Hi @...,

I would like to upvote this feature request as well. It is negatively impacting our ability to properly escalate issues to the right areas for our Development team in Jira.


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David Gillespie

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi @... & @...,

Thanks for the feedback! I've noted your feedback against the feature request. 

Unfortunately I can't give a timeframe for when this will be developed.




HI David, very interested too, I would like to be able to add the Sprint but it doesn't show and I haven't found a way to add it to the list below. This is important because without it, tickets end up in a backlog pile that doesn't get looked at.


Followed as this is something we feel would be beneficial for us as we move into utilising the jira integration application




Curious if there has been progress on adding the Epic field to the Zendesk / Jira integration. It would save our team from needing to click in and set the field after creating the issue from the ZD interface.




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