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Choosing ticket to merge another ticket with
Posted Apr 23, 2020
A common workflow for me is to answer and mark as "solved" a ticket for a customer, only to see another ticket from that customer on the same issue. Oftentimes it is just checking on the status of the first request, but they wrote a separate email which resulted in a separate ticket. I'd like to close and merge the newer ticket with the older ticket, but the older ticket NEVER shows up as one of the selections for merging. I have to go out, find the ticket number of the earlier ticket, then come back and enter the ticket number. It seems to me that if there is a recently edited/answered/etc ticket FROM THE SAME CUSTOMER, that should be a priority to display as a choice in the dialog, certainly over tickets originating from completely different email addresses.
Gail Leinweber
Hi Jack,
Yes, it's expected that if the ticket has been solved it won't show up on the auto-suggestions for possible merges. Since this is a common issue for you might be best off getting better visibility about the other tickets before the first ticket is solved. You can use an app like Ticket History to pull recent ticket activity and see if there open tickets that look related when working on a ticket, to hopefully get the merge taken care of sooner rather than later.
+1 on this one. I expect the behaviour should be: if the same user (same email address) has another existing ticket, Zendesk should detect it and suggest it in the list without having to enter the ticket ID.
Not having this option just adds a bunch of clicks to the flow and is not intuitive. Please consider changing it
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