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Feature Request: Integrate Facebook Groups with ZenDesk

Posted Jan 03, 2020

At my company, Keller Williams Realty International (KWRI), the vast majority of our social engagement occurs within Facebook Groups, which are typically closed or private rather than public. Within these Groups, we have thousands of highly active customers who report issues (at least 2k posts per month) and expect a rapid response from our Support team. We're struggling to roll out an effective Social Support program because ZenDesk integration is limited to Facebook Pages. We do not want to silo Social Support from Chat, Phone and Email because our primary tool lacks basic functionality in this channel.

*Feature Request: Integrate Facebook Groups in Zendesk with the same functionality as Pages

  • Additional Details - Specifically, we need to be able to automatically create tickets when new issues are reported, and be able to pull additional comments into existing tickets to track ongoing requests as needed.
  • Justification - Groups are becoming increasingly important to FB's algorithm. They know that people prefer and trust content from their friends over brands, hence the reason that FB Group posts appear so frequently now in our news feeds. I strongly encourage ZenDesk to get ahead of this trend and expand functionality soon.
  • Business Impact - I cannot stress enough how huge this is for KWRI. We need to meet customers where they are, and they have chosen to gather, communicate, and engage with our brand in FB Groups. We have over 60,000 Group members within our extended communities, with more joining every day. We do not see this slowing anytime soon. 

Is there a workaround that anyone knows about? Please let me know what the options are, if any. Thank you!





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Chris Drylie

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Lydia Forsyth

Our team has been focusing on improving the overall reliability of our Social platform with a new architecture looking to be released early next year, this new approach will also release the following:

Architecture changes
  • Increased number of pages supported
  • Improved reliability and rate limits
  • Improved architecture and newer technology 
New Features:

Ad support:
  • Dynamic Ads
  • Boosted Ads
  • Standard Ad 
Moderation tools:
  • Hide users comment
  • Remove comment
  • Block User

    This will be coming to Facebook and shortly after Instagram Public. Once we have these fundamentals in place we will be looking at adding new features like Facebook Groups.


+1 for this integration. We also use a lot Facebook groups




Our use case is very similar to OP. This is a much needed integration.


+1 for this integration. Facebook groups are very important for us 


Yes!! Please integrate with Facebook Groups. Our company's vast majority of social engagements are also on Facebook groups


+1 yes, please integrate Facebook Groups!


+1 yes pls, integration with fb user groups is much needed


+1 yes, any update on this integration?


I would also like to see this integration. Thanks!


+1 Please give us Facebook Group integration! :-D


Yes, You are right Britt. This is required the integration of Facebook groups with Zendesk. It helps to resolve the query related to Facebook.


+1 on this, most of our power users are in the FB Group


Just a reminder – don't forget to upvote the post at the top!


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Chris Drylie

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Everyone, 

This is a great suggestion, we are currently reviewing our social platform support and I would love to get in touch with some of you to go over this use-case and have a conversation about your social media needs.

If you would be interested in starting a conversation, please feel free to reply here.


Chris Drylie, I am interested.



Chris Drylie, I have customers who are also interested in integrating with Facebook Groups. Please can you contact me in this regard?


Hi there!
We are interesting also in an integration with Facebook groups.
The goal would be to create tickets automatically from a Facebook group post, like it is the case with the Facebook pages and Facebook Messenger from pages.



+100 to this request. We use a Facebook Group that is a very, very active community of current customers of our business. As the group gets more and more interactive, it is less and less scalable to leave ZD to answer posts, comments and msgs from the Group. We have our business page integrated with ZD, so we can manage half of our social media through the ZD integration, but the engagement of our Facebook Group far outscales the engagement we have on our official Facebook Business page. 


Chris Drylie is there any update on this?


Another +1 on this - I know our team would use this for our Facebook Group!


Hey Zendesk, just a heads up that this request has been open for over three years now, causing us to lose confidence that Zendesk will actually make enhancements based on user feedback. Is this typical, in that user requests don't get addressed for over three years?


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Chris Drylie

Zendesk Product Manager

Andy F.

I understand your frustration here, one thing we did not want to do was add new features on top of old technologies, which could lead to larger issues for our customers, we are looking at improving our overall architecture which is not a small undertaking. 

Now with a path way to this being achieved, we will be looking at new features. 



Based on Chris Drylie's update above, we're in for at least another 1-2 years of waiting for Facebook Group functionality to make it on the product team's radar, let alone an EAP. I'm not optimistic. 


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Chris Drylie

Zendesk Product Manager

Britt Mauriss 

Thank you for your comment.

I'm pleased to inform you that the initial release of our new platform is scheduled for Q1 2024, followed by the Instagram Public platform shortly thereafter. Once these two platforms are launched, we will proceed to assess the features and establish our priorities accordingly.



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Shawna James

Community Product Feedback Specialist

Thank you for your continued feedback all and Chris for this wonderful update! We look forward to seeing these launches in the coming months, thanks again!


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Chris Drylie

Zendesk Product Manager

Also please feel free to fill out this form and join our Stakeholders for social channels.



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Chris Drylie

Zendesk Product Manager

We appreciate your feedback on this topic and would love to hear more directly from you live. Please join us on Wednesday, February 14th, at 7:00 PM CT/ Thursday February 15th, at 12:00 PM AEST for our PM Roundtable on Posts in Social Channels.

There will be a presentation and an open discussion on what is and isn’t working for you in this focus area of Zendesk and whats coming next in our Social Spaces. So please bring your questions, concerns, and feedback because we want to hear from you! The link to register can be found here.


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Chris Drylie

Zendesk Product Manager

Thank you so much for providing feedback on this area!In case you missed it, we wanted to make sure you saw the recording and event follow up from our most recent PM Roundtable on Posts in Social Channels.

Please find the deck and recording in the follow up article here. Thank you again for your feedback and for being a valuable Zendesk Customer.


I believe Zendesk still does not have a way to connect to Facebook Group. Has anyone found any work-around? We really don't want to use just our Facebook Page.


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