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Disable / Un-check 'Create follow-up' option
Posted Feb 02, 2017
Is there a way that you can amend a ticket so that it isn't a follow-up?? For example, is there an option so that we can disable follow-up or select un-follow? We have multiple users that raise tickets as a 'follow-up' when in fact they are not related to their original ticket at all.
Our customers have been advised on how to raise tickets but yet they come through as 'follow-up' tickets. As I couldn't find any responses on the Forums - I raised a ticket however Zendesk support have suggested adding my query here. Hope you can help!
Marcel White
Hate being a metoo guy, but I have to agree, if the follow up prevents tickets from being treated as 'new', then I'd like to be able to disable that app.
Not sure if it was mentioned, but now when we get a new ticket in, we also have to check for 'this is a follow up ticket to', as an optional check. Hopefully that will work in the meantime.
Damon Noisette
Has there been any movement on this issue recently?
Marcel White
Hi Damon,
We were instructed by zendesk support to add the channel 'closed ticket' as an option in the trigger (so either 'closed ticket' or 'web form'). Hopefully that will let us assign priority to follow up tickets as well.
It still exists and it is really not helping us, the majority of our customers are using the "create a follow-up" rather than creating a new one and the best part if they use it they don't leave any message
See sample attached photo
Marcantony Luciani
I am going to try to use a flow to handle follow-ups better thanks to this idea
Let you know how it goes. In theory if the channel creating the ticket is Closed ticket you can manage the follow up better or deflect it with a response.
Ash Parker
A solution needs to be found.
Michael Southwell
Has there been any movement on this functionality?
Re-training users is not practical.
Either having the option to change a ticket from follow-up to a new separate ticket or having an approval process before a follow up is created would be ideal.
It is rare that we have users intentionally creating a follow-up ticket on a related matter (more often they are just creating a new ticket using the old, unrelated ticket's ID), and the idea of emailing users back and saying they are not doing it right and should try again is not a good look.
Please provide us with an update on any proposed solutions to this issue.
Please make this happens.
I have users replying to old tickets with Satisfaction ratings on them that messes up our KPI.
Also there is no reason for my any of my customers to reply to an closed ticket weeks after it been closed. That is the whole reason why we keep it in Solved for 5 days and then automatically closes it.
Martin Meraner
this turns out for us to be a real issue. People make lots of mistakes, they create a helpdesk case via email, then get a reply and use that reply over and over again to contact the support team. Worse of all, when doing so, their Outlook will cache the direct reply address with the ticket number associated. So even when making the effort to create a new ticket via email, they use the wrong address to write to (as it still reads as our helpdesk portal in the description text for the email address). Also, also, tags are propagated, hence filled out forms that had tags, will get tags over and over again, creating false positives in tag-related searches/statistics.
I know it is asking a lot, but any measure to avoid this would be appreciated.
Michael Southwell
Very well said Martin!
This is the exact same case for us and it is incredibly frustrating!
Can we please have the ability to disable follow ups or at least some options to assist in triaging the damage caused by this oversight?
Justin Marini
This is a major issue for us too, a solution is really needed. Follow-ups just make a real mess for our system.
I would love a feature to block a Follow-up and force the user to create a new ticket.
Unfortunately this has been an issue for years. As much as we inform our end users they continue to create follow ups. There has been no acknowledgement from Zendesk support on this problem.
Josh Risbey
This is an ongoing problem for our organisation also and I was hoping to find information on adjusting business rules to handle this but here we are.
Investigating this issue from a user-behaviour context revealed more information that may be of some use:
What is occurring has been well established (multiple zendesk customer organisations are reporting the same mechanism causing the defect and resulting in a set of common issues.
The main assumption as to why this has happened is end-users actively locating and replying to a previous e-mail update from a recent support ticket to raise a new issue - this was the thinking here and at other organisations based on the comments above, and also fits as to why Zendesk wouldn't have predicted this to eventuate as a common issue because surely any rate of non-genuine followup emails would be negligible and due to mistakes. Another theme is end-user behaviour not changing in any meaningful way even after the issue being communicated - I bet there isn't any queries raised either.
End-users aren't doing this in these volumes - they are starting a new email to raise a support case and as they type in the support contact or address name, their e-mail client will show automatically cached recently used addresses (including unique support addresses from previous tickets), and as the support e-mail address Display Name sent to end users for previous cases is often the same as the regular support contact they hit tab or enter without realising that the trailing email address <support+id******-****@********> will be processed as a follow-up.
It explains why end-users continue to do this even after being asked not to and reasonably explains why this problem wasn't identified during development and testing. It is still largely a theory, but if you can add a prefix to the display name on outbound messages to end users and create self-service instructions to remove the autocached zendesk addresses from their email client and see if there is a reduction in volumes of defect follow-up tickets created it may help.
Michael Southwell
Very well said Josh!
This is the exact same issue we are facing! If we can't disable follow-ups then your alternative solution seems like a very good one. Let's hope ZenDesk come to the table on this matter!
Adrian Bell
A disable Followup Emails switch, so that
- inbound emails sent to support+id******-****
- create a new ticket (instead of a follow-up - when the ticket has been closed) would be great for us.
Marko Jak
Has Zendesk created a fix for this yet or someone published a Workaround?
We work with Patients everyday and we've had multiple issues now where a Follow-up is created and then someone is looped into a CC that should not have been. This is completely unacceptable and a major data risk for us.
I see this issue is on-going for 2 years which is super concerning for me as a new user of Zendesk.
Andreas Ramstad
Yet another popular "x years later" thread that Zendesk ignores.
John Meyer
I have created a trigger that works well to detect these tickets, notify the user, and automatically close the ticket. I currently have an automation to set the ticket from solved to closed after 16 business hours, so this only applies to tickets that are at least that old in case someone replies to a recently solved ticket that needed further work.
If comment text contains the following string "This is a follow-up to your previous request"
If status is New
Email user requester "Your ticket was closed, email the correct address, bla bla bla"
Status = closed
Yann Hervé-Bazin
We encountered the same recurrent issue with the ticket follow-up creation.
When creating a new request to our helpdesk by sending an email, some of our end-user don't choose the right email address in the Outlook's propositions:
In consequence, instead of creating a new tickets, it add up to previous one or create follow-ups id the original ticket was already closed.
This creates a lot of mix up, complication, and fustration for both our agents and the end-users.
It's time Zendesk adresses this issue, instead of letting us having to create workaround through trigger and automation.
Denis Menard
I use social messaging add-on to integrated Facebook Private Messages with Zendesk
What I found is it mark any end-user ticket after the first one as follow up then follow-up after follow up and so on !
Zendesk Customer Support said that no solution yet.... because end-user replied to the same message through messenger even after the tickets were closed so that made it a follow-up ticket.
How can end-user that chat with us on Facebook Private Messages replied as a new messages since it is a chat box ??
Tyler Tew
This has been up since 2017, is there any chance this request will gain traction/be added to the roadmap in the foreseeable future?
Carlos Santos
Any news on this?
Yvette Wheeler
I'm looking for a solution for the same problem. Has this been addressed yet?
Anaïs France
I find this feature (follow-up tickets) intersting but it would be nice to have the possibility to unlink to the old ticket in the agent space if the new issue has nothing to do with the old topic.
Tom Whipps
Five years later... is this something we can get going? I feel that the ability to modify a ticket to mark it as NOT a follow-up would be very useful and should just be a basic function.
Flink SE
Is there an update on this?
Denis Oskolkov
Same question, any chance you can give users control over follow-ups? It's been a while...
Barbara Brauner
Same question. It's not just a nuisance, but really a security concern as described multiple times above.
Morten Frisch
I have created a work-around trigger for this that does the trick:
Ticket IS Created
Channel IS Closed Ticket
Current user IS NOT (agent)
Email user - (requester)
Email subject - Unable to process request {{}}
Email Body - An explanation that requester needs to make a NEW ticket, bla, bla, bla
Status - Closed
Group - whatever group you want
Assignee - whatever agent you want (I created a system user for this purpose)
Add tags - followup_rejected (and I use this in CSAT and other automations to NOT send anything to the requester)
With this trigger the follow-up tickets are auto closed and out of sight, and requester is notified.