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Bulk Edit Ticket Requester
Posted Mar 29, 2016
Requesters/End-Users leave organizations all the time. If someone has many tickets open, it's time consuming to go through each one and change each one manually.
The standard Bulk-Edit dialog should be updated to include requester in the list of fields.
It's been quoted as a "security issue" before, so perhaps it should be Admin only if that's such a concern.
The API is not an easy solution for Agents who are responsible for managing their Organization's tickets.
Amisha Sharma
Hey everyone, Thank you all so much for taking the time to share your feedback with us in regards to bulk editing the ticket requester. Our team would like to investigate this feature request in the future and find the best way to address this product limitation. Currently, we are focusing on composer stability so we won't be able to prioritize this to our roadmap for at least the next 6 months. In the meantime, please keep sharing your use-cases with us as this will help us to prioritize this functionality in our future roadmap planning.
Dmitry Kochnev
It it really time-consuming
Dr. Shireda Howard
Today I literally spent 3 hours updating 300 tickets manually because there is no other option to this issue. The value add of Zendesk just went to negative today. The ROI of this function is a lose - lose scenario.
Regan Perry
Yes please!
How is this a security concern? The details of the change will be logged.
As the OP said, users leave organisations all the time. Just spent an hour manually updating requester for this very reason.
Sean Starwind
Can we get some official response on this please? This takes far too long when we're trying to add one of our existing email addresses as a support address and first have to to change requester for any tickets previously sent from that address.
Paul Middleton
If you're updating the requester on all the leaver's tickets to the same person, I think the 'Merge into another user' feature on the User page will achieve the same thing?
Casey Cunningham
The lack of being able to bulk edit requestor has us looking for an alternative to zendesk honestly.
When we receive a large quantity of automated tickets for which there doesn't exist an integration for it can take hours to change each requestor individually so issues can be tracked and recorded in an accountable fashion.
Are there any plans to introduce a workflow for this?
Jim Stratton
We would like to be able to do this as well. I know that the "best practices" recommends "only" suspending the account. In our case, however, we need an actual working user as the requester in order to get a response to our (e.g., help desk staff) requests for more information, updates, and so on. For whatever reason, our users are much more likely to respond to such a ticket update if they are the "requester of record" than if they are "only" CCd.
Nicole Saunders
Hi Jim -
How frequently does this come up for you?
Jim Stratton
@Nicole - I would use this a few-to-several times a year.
Nicole Saunders
thanks for that additional detail, Jim!
Clark Torgerson
@Nicole, I know that your question was directed at Jim, but just to pile on here, we would literally use this feature multiple times every day. It is our number one functionality issue with Zendesk and we get asked about it every time that we train a new agent in for the reason that Casey mentioned above.
Nicole Saunders
Thanks, Clark. Can you tell us more about why you receive large numbers of automated tickets? That's not a use-case I've come across before.
Clark Torgerson
There are a number of tools, such as monitoring platforms, that Zendesk does not currently integrate with. In order to utilize these tools alongside Zendesk, we leverage ticket creation via email. Since the email is not coming from a known, human Zendesk user, that means that we need to change the requester to the appropriate user to allow for ticket tracking and general reporting.
Ultimately, we're changing the requester on tickets on average a couple dozen times per day, but in the not uncommon scenario that there is some sort of large scale monitoring event, we could have to do it across many dozens of tickets.
Nicole Saunders
Thanks for taking the time to share that additional detail, Clark!
Clark Torgerson
No problem, Nicole.
As mentioned, this is a continual pain point for us. Is there any likelihood that this feature will actually be implemented in the near future?
Nicole Saunders
Hi Clark -
I'll have to check in with the product team to see if they have a solution for this problem in the works currently.
Clark Torgerson
Great. Thanks for the update, Nicole.
Nicole Saunders
Hey Clark, just following up - we don't have specifics at this point, but there are some big projects planned for several areas of the workflows next year, and this thread is included in the info we're passing to product as they consider what changes to make.
There may be some improvements to this in the next year, but as I said I don't have specifics yet, and I wouldn't expect to see those changes for several months at the earliest.
Thank you for your input!
Casey Cunningham
Any update on this requested feature?
Nicole Saunders
Hi Casey -
Not at this time. The product teams are continuing to work on big improvements to CC's and agent workflows, but bulk editing is not something that has risen to the top of the list yet.
Angela Franklin
This would be super helpful to be able to do this. I have 2 people who no longer work for the company with over 400 tickets assigned to them. I can not delete them because they are requesters on the tickets. Would be nice to transfer to a new requester so I can delete the admin who is no longer with us. Please work on this request.
Martin Metodiev
That would be a nice feature to have. We have come across this on multiple occasions and changing the requested manually is a pain.
Our use case if when an Agent has requested multiple tickets, internal requests, and leaves the company, we need to change the requester so someone else can pickup on the replies and the Pending notifications.
Please implement when possible.
Jim Stratton
I needed this - again - this week.
James Mcghee
It's crazy this doesn't exist as you have to retain users after they have left the business if they are the requester on a ticket.
Hi all,
+1 for this feature.
I created an automation to work around this.
Hope this can save some of you some time
Chris Paesano
Another vote for this feature. When using Connectwise ticketing, you can search for ticket by user, then transfer those tickets to another user. You can do this in bulk. I only had 20 to do just now so it wasn't bad but that could get annoying really quickly. Any updates?
Justin Haines
Another vote for this feature. Our team regularly receives bulk requests that are recategorized as spam, and we have to manually update the requester one ticket at a time, which is extremely time conusming.
WRO Jacuk-Zurak, Marta
Whitney Votaw
Hi there! +1
We work in healthcare-related software and this comes up quite often (several times a week/month). Often times users will leave an organization and ask that we add CC's to all of their tickets (status<solved) and/or change the requester to an employee who is staying with the organization so they can take over. This is hugely time-consuming and would save us a lot of time. It seems like the underlying functionality is there already with the bulk update option and there appears to be quite a bit of interest. Is there any update on a feature for this? You'd be our hero!