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JIRA integration supports attachments
Posted Jun 20, 2014
We have setup an JIRA integration to our Zendesk and would very much like it to be possible to transfers attachment when sharing tickets with JIRA and also the other way around (from JIRA to Zendesk.)
Sean Bourke
Hey everyone
Thanks for your feedback, I've captured this against our notes relating to this feature, which all helps in providing visibility of its priority and importance.
While I appreciate that this feature is not currently planned, it would be great to work with you to understand your specific use case. Please let me know if you'd be interested in 1-1 customer interview to discuss how you're using the integration today, as well as the scenarios in which a you'd need to transfer files between the two platforms.
bill cicchetti
I too would like this ability since our Developers many times add scripts/screenshots/logs to the shared tickets that are needed by the support staff. I was able to share attachments in ZD to Jira but not from Jira to ZD
Rory Dearling
Have not yet tried sharing attachments from JIRA to Zen.
We can't share attachments in the Zen ticket with our Devs, as the attachment stays in Zendesk (it just sends a link), and we don't allow our Devs access to Zen.
Can the attachment not be sent through and be created as an actual attachment on the JIRA ticket itself? Instead of being left in Zendesk and just linked?
John Tolle
I cannot agree enough. In our case, it would be nice to share attachments from JIRA to Zendesk, but not a requirement.
What is a requirement, however, is to allow sending the actual file attachment rather than a link from Zendesk to JIRA. Why? Because our developers don't provide support and our support team does not develop. We cannot afford to buy all of our developers Zendesk licenses just so that they can open up attachments in Zendesk.
I asked Zendesk for a workaround and they do not have one. What does everyone else do to get around this issue?
André Luís de Oliveira
Hi John!
We solved by using a Zendesk configuration.
Admin. -> Settings -> Tickets -> Request authentication to download. Not a Zendesk user for each developer will be required because you do not need authentication to download the attachment.
Andre, you're a life saver! That's perfect - one checkbox does the job. Now why in the would couldn't Zendesk support tell me that!?
André Luís de Oliveira
John was the Zendesk support team who suggested me solve this way.
When I needed to solve this, send a ticket with the problem I needed to solve. I had difficulty explaining, via ticket, what was the matter. Only with a conference via Skype could explain our scenario.
The Zendesk support team always supports me with our difficulties!
I take this opportunity to thank the support team Zendesk !!
Rob van Vliet
@Andre @Technicalsupport
This specific ticket/request is about making it possible to transfers attachments when sharing tickets with JIRA, so not adding a link to them (authorized access only, or open, doesn't matter), but the actual files. That feature still isn't present.
The support you received, was nothing more than someone pointing you to the proper location in the admin section for allowing/disallowing anyone with the link to access attachments. So, off-topic
Sure, the start of this thread was about transferring attachments, which would be preferable, but the option to not require authentication could be considered a viable alternative and that's something that actual support (not in this thread) did not suggest that Andre did.
Michelle Benes
This is extremely frustrating. I just found out that the attachments don't copy and had to update all the Jira tickets manually.
I work in a highly secure industry. We can't use the work around that could potentially let anyone see the attachments.
+1 for this feature.
John Tolle
Keep in mind that, while the attachment link has to be "public" to allow your dev team to get to the attachments without a Zendesk login, and that's not particularly secure, the links are not easily guessed or even brute forced since the identifier portion of the URL is a 25-character random string.
Ultimately, though, as Christine originally requested, there should be a way to properly send the actual files to JIRA, and not links.
@Vanvliet, it may be technically off-topic, but it's still relevant and, unfortunately, the only possible suggestion since it's currently impossible to actually send files as attachments to the issue generated in JIRA.
Johanne Leveille-Schirm
I agree that one must be able to send the actual attachment and not just the link. We finally discovered last week that this was not what was happening (could not figure out what our developers were talking about as Support was always diligent about clicking the "attachment" box; we finally figured out that unless you have a Zendesk account, you cannot get to the attachments)
We are not going to make the attachments "public" - this is not acceptable.
We now have to give light agents access to our developers as a work around so we can interface seamlessly with them (luckily we are an Enterprise customer) but this is not acceptable long term. And of course, does not work for many of the Zendesk customers.
This is a product deficiency that needs to be addressed ASAP
John Lammers
Johanne is right (as usual).
We cannot fathom how Zendesk / JIRA integration was imagined / designed without secure sharing of attachments.
Savvy developers know that sometimes your customer will perceive the lack of a feature as a defect in your product. This is one of those situations!
Please fix asap.
Derek Blackmore
This is inefficient for our organization as well.
Chris Cannata
This is a major issue for us as well, is there any progress on this feature?
Vinod Narayanan
The same concern is for our Organization too. Please fix this ASAP.
Yuri Mylis
Hi guys,
We're are aware that the integration doesn't handle attachments well. This is definitely an area I will be looking to improve.
The current focus for us is "field syncing" and better reporting on linked tickets, but I plan to address this one soon. Stay tuned.
Jimmy Rufo
Thanks Yuri. If there are any opportunities where I can participate in beta enhancements for the JIRA integration, that would be great.
Chris Cannata
Hello Yuri, are you possibly looking at allowing download of the actual attachment files through REST API? I would also be interested in the beta enhancement if/when that is possible.
Yuri Mylis
Happy to announce that we now support sharing attachments from Zendesk Support to JIRA.
Now every attachement that was added to a ticket comment is visible on the linked ticket under the Zendesk tab.
Rob van Vliet
Finally. Damn, you're slow
UPDATE - Disregard the first part. Checked it and still isn't according to what was requested. actually made things worse by including ALL on Jira ticket. So you have everything in 2 places now, instead of the useful stuff in the proper place.
@Yuri, I just created a new Zendesk ticket with an attachment and then linked it to a newly created JIRA issue. A link to the attachment appeared in all locations as before. Clicking on any of the links takes the user to Zendesk and requires a login (or does not if you have authentication on attachments disabled). I am not sure how this is different other than that now new attachments on comments are also shown as links in JIRA, which is nice, but not what is needed most.
The real request is that files are transferred to JIRA so that they become actual file attachments that are not dependent on Zendesk access. As it is, our developers have no Zendesk account, so we are still in a vulnerable state where we must turn off authentication for Zendesk files or we have to manually copy files over to JIRA.
Yuri Mylis
The links in the description area of the JIRA issue haven't changed.
What was added is the ability to see attachments on the Zendesk tickets under the Zendesk tab, see the screenshot above.
The reason you're prompted for login is because you have the Help Centre enabled AND a particular setting enabled. It's located under the "Tickets" section.
It's called "Require authentication to download". If you uncheck it, users will not be prompted to authenticate when clicking on an attachment from JIRA.
@Yuri, we're all aware of the workaround that involves turning off attachment download authentication - it's how we've been limping along this entire time. Not to be rude, but what is gained by having the attachment links appear in two places in JIRA?
Christine's original request from 2014 (and everyone else's in this thread) is that attachments actually be transferred in whole to JIRA so that no connection to Zendesk is necessary to open the attachments in JIRA.
Why would this be important? Glad you asked. HIPPA, PCI, etc. require secured information. Let's say one attachment includes a screen shot with a credit card or social security number on it. Leaving the attachments publically accessible is a clear security violation, even if the links to the attachments are not easily guessed (obfuscation is not the same as security.) So, if you don't want your attachments available for public download, then you have to keep authentication enabled. If you have authentication enabled then non-Zendesk users (such as developers who only use JIRA) cannot access them... UNLESS THE FILES ARE ACTUALLY IMPORTED INTO JIRA AS ACTUAL ATTACHMENTS!
Jimmy Rufo
Agree with @Technicalsupport. The whole point of the integration is in an ideal state, no one has to leave their respective applications or log into other applications to talk to eachother. If the attachment doesn't fully make it to JIRA, you'd need to give a JIRA user access to Zendesk, or raise security flags with authentication settings being turned off.
Frankie Truong
Will there be a way to send attachments from Jira to Zendesk anytime soon?
Yuri Mylis
Thanks everyone for providing feedback. I'll take it onboard.
@Frankie, we don't have plans to support attachement sharing from JIRA to Zendesk at the moment.
John Tolle
@Yuri, why in the world not?
We've all provided use cases that may well be applicable to the majority of your user base.
Anyone using both Zendesk and JIRA would benefit greatly as most companies have different users of Zendesk (support) than they do on JIRA (developers). The latter cannot access files on Zendesk unless authentication is disabled for Zendesk attachments, over which any security person worth their salt would have a fit. And yet, we all do it anyhow because we have no choice (other than to manually download the files from Zendesk and upload them to JIRA, which is a horrible time wasting side task for any workflow!)
Is there some limitation in the JIRA/Zendesk API that simply does not allow transferring files?
bill cicchetti
We have ended up going to a third party called Azuqua. They provide a great deal of customization including what comments get transferred and attachments. We are still in the implementation stage but its pretty impressive. One note: The creation of the processes (called FLOs) are not as easy as it appears but you do have a implementation rep assigned.
Frédéric VU
We also need to have attachments transfers from Zendesk to JIRA, especially images, as we ask our users to include screenshots to speed up troubleshooting and those don't get passed along to JIRA today. That's a showstopper for us for Zendesk adoption in our support tools set.